One of the most famous is 1970s release Carrie which may fit the bill perfectly.
In the 1970s, Finland had the world’s highest incidence of deaths fromheart disease.
Since the seventies of last century, levels of decentralized decision-making system optimization been studied.
Billable hours have been the standard way of doing things since the 1970s.
A movement to spread the use of the kangaroo method for preterm babies grew out of Bogota, Colombia, in the nineteen seventies.
He studied acting, turned out for all the cattle calls -- and during the decade of the 1970s made a total of $2, 000.
Many countries such as the U. s. a, New Zealand, and countries in Europe have carried out enlightenment education programs for infants since 1970s.
As recently as 2005, no new class of drugs to treat TB had been approved since the 1970s.
He got his master's degree at Michigan State University in the 1970s, and both his children, born in the United States, are American citizens.
Working mothers typically counter these statistics by saying there is always another study that says the opposite, and that research from the 1970s will not be so relevant now.
I opened the conversation by saying that we would be discussing the obvious, dramatic changes we'd all witnessed in China since the early to mid-1970s.
70′s Shanghai soap opera scenes dictates several notable elements across the house , mainly the driveway full height swivel bronze panelling, the lounge railings .
The Bank began formally interacting with CSOs in the late 1970s through discussions over concern about the environmental impacts of Bank-funded projects.
In the 1970s missionaries started running elementary schools in Tsimane 'villages, and the best students have had the chance to continue their education in a nearby town.
The obstetrician, who introduced the concept of birthing pools to maternity services in the 1970s, said birth was both easier and faster when male figures were not present.
The French have always been fascinated, too (a 1970s film Les Soeurs Brontë starred the Isabelles Adjani and Huppert).
To begin with, only one team was turning data from the relevant instruments that have flown on weather satellites since the 1970s into a temperature record resolved by altitude.
Asian carp—including thecommon, black and bighead variety—were brought to the U.S. in the 1970sas live vacuum cleaners meant to remove algae and suspended matter fromponds.
Unfortunately, the poverty and strife that has gripped Cambodia since the 1970s has led to the pervasive looting of temples, leaving only a few hints of the region's previous glory.
In East Asia, from the end of 1970s', new migration which has been strengthened after the middle of 1980s' toward new industrialized countries has been taking place.
If discovered, scientists hope it will help them understand how particles have mass and provide the final piece in the Standard Model of physics, which was proposed in the 1970s.
Since gaining legal protection in the 1970s, Steller sea lions in British Columbian and neighboring waters have tripled in population to about 30, 000 during the summer breeding season.
Before 1970, in order to protect the information security in computer systems, mandatory and discretionary access control policy had been widely applied in secure computer systems.
Crop circle designs have developed from simple circles in the 1970s to pictorial designs in the late 1980s and binary number designers from 2001.
Happily, a team of oil geologists, prospecting off Mexico in the late Seventies, discovered a buried crater, 100 miles across, just offshore from the fishing village of Chicxulub.
Happily, a team of oil geologists, prospecting off Mexico in the late Seventies, discovered a buried crater, 100 miles across, just offshore from the fishing village of Chicxulub.