• 重要事实磁体两极运行方式完全相反

    The important fact is that the two poles of the magnet work in opposite ways.


  • 如果这种发生两极开始融化从而使海平面上升严重淹没沿海城市

    If this warming up took place, the ice caps in the poles would begin to melt, thus raising sea level several metres and severely flooding coastal cities.


  • 全球气温可能回到工业化水平风险两极温度高于正常水平,而热带地区的温度将比工业化前的低。

    You may bring global temperatures back to pre-industrial levels, but the risk is that the poles will still be warmer than they should be and the tropics will be cooler than before industrialisation.


  • 仅仅得到了两个拥有各自的两极更小磁体罢了。

    You've just made two smaller magnets each with their own North and South poles.


  • 使两极极性差别逐步某一电位得以平衡

    This makes the polarization of the polar differences in a potential to gradually balance.


  • 这种现象太阳风地球两极大气中所产生

    The phenomenon is produced by the action of solar wind on the atmosphere at Earth's Poles.


  • 两极二元性创造强度净化摆脱不好习惯

    Polarities, duality, creating intensity, purification, getting rid of bad habits.


  • 月亮中轴仅仅略有倾斜,所以两极海拔地区常年处于太阳照射之下

    The moon's axis tilts only slightly, so there are areas of high elevation at its poles that remain almost constantly exposed to the sun.


  • 相信两极心理健康顾问不会接待直到戒酒

    I believe she is bipolar, but mental health counselors will not treat her until she quits drinking.


  • 任何学习方式都包含上述维度不过偏向两极程度不同而已。

    Contain any of the above-mentioned dimensions of learning, but also biased in favor but the degree of polarization is different.


  • 日冕太阳风关系一个有趣的方面是日冕洞两极形状

    One other interesting aspect of the relation of coronal holes to the solar wind follows from the appearance of coronal holes at the poles.


  • 大量的淡水存在两极的冰盖总量1.7%,还有1.7%是地下水

    A huge amount is in polar ice, which adds up to 1.7 per cent. A further 1.7 per cent lies in ground water deep beneath the land's surface.


  • 脊髓肿瘤两极空洞形成,考虑与肿瘤压迫循环障碍水肿蓄积有关。

    The syrinx located by the ends of spinal cord tumor might be resulted from tumor pressure, circulatory disturbances and edematous fluid accumulation.


  • 两极寒之地黑暗的海洋深处居住一些有机体喜欢来点像模像样的冰爽。

    The most frigid polar regions and the darkest depths of the ocean are home for a few organisms that like a good chill.


  • 地球两极冰原一旦开始融化快速地分解,海平面世纪升高不是危言耸听

    The ice sheets at the poles can disintegrate rapidly once they start melting, and sea-level rises of a few meters per century are not unheard of.


  • 发生太阳风暴期间由于风暴中断飞机通信设备,跨越南北两极航班通常会偏离航道。

    During solar storms, transpolar flights are routinely diverted because the storms can disrupt the planescommunications equipment.


  • 两极扭曲情况仍然很明显但是保持大多数国家的外形,它们的显示区域也是正确的。

    Distortions are still evident at the poles, but for most countries shape is maintained, and their areas are shown correctly.


  • 如果不停止臭氧层破坏的话南北两极的冰冠就可能因融化带来可怕的后果

    Unless the destruction of the ozone layer is stopped, the polar ice caps will melt with terrible consequences.


  • 此外盖子打开的时候,给予保护盖子内有两极闸刀来解决电流的安全流通。

    Furthermore, the protective lid features bipolar knife switch which resolves safety issues when the lid is open.


  • 英国青年马术队成员,徒参加徒步南北极冰盖穿越成为年轻的到达过南北两极英国人。

    He was a member of Britain's junior eventing team, and has taken part in trekking expeditions across the Antarctic and arctic icecaps, making him the youngest Briton to reach both poles.


  • 中央假设项目分配极点南北两极性质混合的,然后我会计划说是没有衣服

    The central hypothesis is not listed in the project distribution poles, and the nature of the north and south poles were mixed, then I will plan not to say yes or no clothes.


  • 据说由于春天第一太阳位于地球两极中央,由于特殊重力作用,鸡蛋很容易被竖着放置。

    It is said that due to the sun's equidistant position between the poles of the earth on the first day of the spring, special gravitational forces apply.


  • 环境温度的上升正在逐步融化冰川两极的冰架同时它又直接地加热了海洋使海洋膨胀,海平面升高。

    Rising temperatures are melting glaciers and ice sheets, as well as warming the oceans directly, which causes them to expand.


  • 当然还有台照相机(JunoCam)可以拍摄壮观的照片包括此前从未看过木星两极照片。

    And of course, there's a camera - JunoCam - that will supply spectacular images, including views of Jupiter's poles that have never been seen before.


  • 核中证据显示两极冰盖曾经扩大并且一次扩大伴随着温室气体排放的明显减少,直到冰盖再次缩小。

    There is evidence in this ice-core record of seven periods when the ice caps expanded, and each of them shows a steady decline in the level of greenhouse gases after the ice receded again.


  • 由于地球球面形状,至日突出的表面阻挡了阳光照射端的半球同样是球面原因,在至阳光可以照射两极的更多地方

    The bulge of our spherical Earth blocks sunlight from the far hemisphere at the solstices; that same curvature allows the sun's rays to spread over more area near the top and bottom of the globe.


  • 由于地球球面形状,至日突出的表面阻挡了阳光照射端的半球同样是球面原因,在至阳光可以照射两极的更多地方

    The bulge of our spherical Earth blocks sunlight from the far hemisphere at the solstices; that same curvature allows the sun's rays to spread over more area near the top and bottom of the globe.


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