• 这种上而下的指令严格的执法以及专家建议结合起来收到了成效

    The combination of top-down mandates, aggressive enforcement and expert advice yielded results.


  • 为了能够当选,候选人必定会做出很多承诺,比如他们如何看待民众需要哪些方面能够很好的说明自己其他人采取了严格的执法行动

    And to get elected candidates will naturally promise what they think people want, which could well mean tougher enforcement of some laws than others.


  • 发布这些数字声明中,美国交通部长Ray Lahood将驾驶分神称为一种传染病”,并且呼吁更加严厉地方管制措施更加严格执法

    In an announcement of the new figures, US Transportation Secretary Ray Lahood called distracted driving an "epidemic" and called for tougher local regulations and stricter law enforcement.


  • 本周为止,一切严格执法努力失败了

    Until this week, every attempt to tighten up the law had failed.


  • 白宫认为亚利桑那州法律执法优先性相冲突尽管该州法律严格遵守联邦法规

    The White House argued that Arizona's laws conflicted with its enforcement priorities, even if state laws complied with federal statutes to the letter.


  • 中国高度重视防扩散问题,制定国际通行做法一致出口管制法规体系执法严格有效

    Attaching great importance to non-proliferation, China has developed an export control regime in line with the prevailing international practices, and law enforcement is strict and effective.


  • 卫组织扩大知识产权执法或者执行这种做法的更为严格规定感兴趣

    WHO is not interested in expanding IP enforcement or introducing stricter rules for doing so.


  • 尤其重要我们一贯严格执法查处并公开数起违法出口案件。

    Most important of all, we have all along been rigorous in law enforcement. Violations of laws and regulations have been investigated and the punitive measures made public.


  • 执勤交通警察必须依法履行职责严格执法,文明执勤着装整齐,举止端庄

    Traffic police on duty shall execute duties according to law, enforce the law strictly, discharge duties civilly, dress neatly, and conduct themselves sedately.


  • 知识产权执法部门实施临时措施时,严格遵循法律规定,实现申请人被申请人均衡保护

    The administrative department should follow the regulations strictly when implementing interim measure to realize the balanced protection of applicant and defendant.


  • 刑侦工作专业化价值目标追求侦查效益的最大化,前提严格执法保障执法质量

    The specialized value goal of it is pursuing the maxim benefit, the prerequisite is to enforce the law strictly, ensure the quality.


  • 摘要:“严格执法热情服务消防行政执法服务宗旨

    Abstract: : "strict law enforcement, enthusiastic service" is the service tenet of fire administrative law enforcement.


  • 因此环境公益诉讼功能应当敦促环保局严格执法

    Therefore, the function of public interests environmental litigations should be urging environmental Protection Bureaus to enforce environmental laws.


  • 2004年开始我们致力于执法身份证签发管理两大应用领域产品的研发,产品种类齐全,并严格符合国际标准

    From 2004 on, we focused on Law Enforcement and ID Management Applications with a full comprehensive product range compliant to the most severe International Standards.


  • 呼吁每一个人11月2站出来要求记者因恪尽职守遭到攻击杀害问题上,严格执法

    I urge everyone to stand up on November 2 and demand that the rule of law is fully applied when journalists are attacked and killed in the line of duty.


  • 他们工作严格执法,业余时间积极参与社区活动树立良好检察干警形象

    They execute the law in their work, positively participate in community activities and build up good images of polices in procuratorate.


  • 我们一定要严格环境执法偷放者出重拳,让付出沉重代价

    We must strictly enforce environmental laws and regulations; crack down on those guilty of creating illegal emissions and ensure they pay a heavy price for such offenses;


  • 转变执法观念,探求提高侦查执法质量有效途径坚持严格执法服务社会相统一;

    Changing the law enforcement and exploring effective ways to improve the quality of law enforcement investigation must adhere to the coordination of strict law enforcement and social services;


  • 我国《价格法》价格垄断规定过于原则缺乏对其表现形式特殊责任主体等的明确规定缺乏严格法律责任 ,导致实践中的执法标准不一与价格垄断频发。

    The stipulations on price monopoly in the Price Law of China are just guidelines, without explicit provisions on its forms and special responsibility subjects or strict legal responsibility.


  • 弘扬检察官清正廉洁、严格执法敬业精神提高检察官职业道德素养

    Promoting the spirit of devotion with honest and clean behaviours and strict enforcement of law, improving the professional ethics of prosecutors;


  • 为尽快完善内部制衡机制,实现规范化,应完善立法严格执法建立以国家、企业和职工、股东三者利益为基点“三一代表制”董事会权力制衡机制。

    Therefore the author suggests that the law be made perfect and enforced strictly and the board of directors as the power balance mechanism be set up ba…


  • 为尽快完善内部制衡机制,实现规范化,应完善立法严格执法建立以国家、企业和职工、股东三者利益为基点“三一代表制”董事会权力制衡机制。

    Therefore the author suggests that the law be made perfect and enforced strictly and the board of directors as the power balance mechanism be set up ba…


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