• 本罪的罪过认定方式上采用严格责任原则

    Strict liability principle should be adopted in judging the crime.


  • 第65条指明环境侵权责任适用严格责任原则

    Article 65 also clarifies that environmental tortious liability is subject to strict liability.


  • 严格责任原则应为环境污染侵权责任基本原则

    Principle of strict liability should be the basic principle of liability fixation of tort liability of environmental pollution.


  • 严格责任原则应为环境污染侵权责任基本原则

    Strict duty principle is the basic to retun the duty principle of the Pollution of the environment infringement duty.


  • 环境犯罪过错责任原则为主,辅之严格责任原则

    Treated this crime, fault liability should be applied to firstly, auxiliary the strict liability.


  • 近年来,国际社会存在严格责任原则处理涉及国家责任案件倾向

    In recent years, it has been a tendency using strict liability principle to deal with the cases concerning state responsibility in international society.


  • 合同法确立的严格责任原则是我国合同责任归责原则一个重大变化

    The new "Law of Contract" defines the rule of the strict responsibility, which brings an important change in judging what responsibility the participant should take.


  • 我国合同法采用严格责任原则取代过错责任原则决非偶然而是根源的。

    Our country "Contract Law" USES the strict responsibility principle substitution mistake responsibility principle non - to be definitely accidental, but has its root.


  • 英美法系严格责任原则属于过错责任原则范畴基本上等同于无过错责任原则

    The principle of strict liability in Anglo-American law belongs to and nearly equals to the category of no fault liability.


  • 严格责任原则采用符合合同法发展趋势符合违约责任本质更加具有合理性

    The strict responsibility principle use conforms to the contract method development tendency, tallies breaks a contract the responsibility essence, even more has the rationality.


  • 美国国会欧盟紧随其后,修改关于孤儿作品规定特别修改版权侵犯,所采用的严格责任原则

    The US Congress, followed by the EU, could change the rules about orphan works, and in particular about the strict liability that copyright infringement carries.


  • 严格责任原则作为原则既有效率优势同时也存在着效率损失,有着自己的适用范围。

    Strict liability, as one kind of tort liability principles, has not only efficiency superiority, but the efficiency loss.


  • 继而着重提出严格责任原则我国先行刑法已存在相互联系及其两者可能相融合合理化建议。

    As the follow up, he has emphasized not only the existing linkage between Strict Liability and our state 's current criminal law, but the rationalized suggestion on their fusion possibility also.


  • 中国合同法违约责任的归原则问题主要三种学说严格责任原则、二元归原则过错责任原则

    There are mainly three theories on principle for attribution in Chinese contract law: strict liability, strict-fault liability and fault liability which is tenable.


  • 如果损害发生由于误用产品使用产品符合原定用途,那么他不能依据严格责任原则来获得救济。

    In the injury was the result of his misuse of the product or of a use for which it was not intended, the doctrine does not afford relief.


  • 永远达不到真正天堂但是通过严格遵循相关的单一责任原则应该并且只有更改理由,你可以非常靠近地接近它

    You'll never reach true Open Closed nirvana, but you can inch much closer by rigorously following the related Single Responsibility Principle: a class should have one, and only one, reason to change


  • 本条不得适用原则其他条款、国内法国际条约明确规定了严格责任活动

    This Article does not apply to an activity which is specifically subjected to strict liability by any other provision of these Principles or any other national law or international convention.


  • 采用严格责任归责原则情况下,对产品缺陷鉴定显得尤为重要

    With strict enforcement of the doctrine of liability fixation, it is important to identify the product defect.


  • 近年来,更为重要有效责任理论基础一种新的原则,即严格侵权责任原则

    In recent years, a new basis of liability, the principle of strict liability in tort, has gained in importance and effectiveness.


  • 原则争议主要涉及对过失责任严格责任选择

    The dispute of principle for it mostly concerns the choice of strict liability and negligent liability.


  • 本文认为我国产品责任原则体系一个严格产品责任为主体、兼有过错责任担保责任的多元化的体系。

    The author also holds that the principles of imputation of product liability in China is a system which includes negligence liability, warranty liability and strict liability.


  • 严格责任过错责任相对应,是侵权原则之一,是责任承担并不主体在主观上有过错前提条件

    Strict liability, one of the doctrines of liability fixation opposite to negligence in tort law, means that the subjective fault is not the prerequisite to assumption of liability.


  • 合同责任严格责任违约救济可以突破补偿原则

    Contractual liability is strict liability. Remedies for breach of contract can break the compensation principle.


  • 过错责任原则体现矫正正义只是一个特定形态严格责任的存在基础仍然矫正正义。

    Corrective justice as reflected by fault liability doctrine, is in essence merely a specific form, while the base of strict liability doctrine is still correlative justice.


  • 法学经济学层面对此作全面剖析,并得出结论:我国产品责任原则只能严格责任

    A comprehensive analysis through law and economics concerned comes to the conclusion that the doctrine of liability fixation in product liability is nothing but the principle of strict liability.


  • 商事严格责任商事交易安全原则基本内容之一

    The strict responsibilities are one of the safety principal in commercial law.


  • 严格责任作为制度一直被理论界视为无过错责任原则

    As an imputing system, strict liability has long been accepted as a system of liability without fault.


  • 原则而言,过错责任严格责任更具有优越性。

    As to the liability basis of pure economic loss in product liability, the fault liability is superior to strict liability.


  • 我国《价格法》价格垄断规定过于原则缺乏对其表现形式特殊责任主体等的明确规定缺乏严格法律责任 ,导致实践中的执法标准不一与价格垄断频发。

    The stipulations on price monopoly in the Price Law of China are just guidelines, without explicit provisions on its forms and special responsibility subjects or strict legal responsibility.


  • 我国《价格法》价格垄断规定过于原则缺乏对其表现形式特殊责任主体等的明确规定缺乏严格法律责任 ,导致实践中的执法标准不一与价格垄断频发。

    The stipulations on price monopoly in the Price Law of China are just guidelines, without explicit provisions on its forms and special responsibility subjects or strict legal responsibility.


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