Because bagels and cream cheese are often eaten together, they are complements.
Complementary goods enterprise is an important market forces which impacts enterprise's advertising decisions.
BUT if GAPE is indeed a complement to MSFT Office, the costs actually become greater for a company as they now have two IT systems to run and manage and maintain.
An increase in the price of a substitute increasesthe demand for a good, and conversely, a decrease in the price of a substitutedecreases demand for a good.
The wider point is that creating a portfolio of complementary brands, with just the right degree of connection between them, is a complex proposition.
Based on the previous research works, we pursued an in-depth research on advertising decision between complementary goods enterprises by using game theory and economics of information theory.
Usually, the both parts of the cooperation can earn the benefit from the compatibility between the compliments. And it is a Win-Win choice, therefore it can be realize by the market operation.
Formally, for a given good X, acomplement is a good whose consumption increases the value of X. Thus, the use of computers increases thevalue of peripheral devices like printers and monitors.
Formally, for a given good X, acomplement is a good whose consumption increases the value of X. Thus, the use of computers increases thevalue of peripheral devices like printers and monitors.