Pride is the initial evil impulse behind the fall of Adam and Eve.
Satan's sway over mankind began when he turned the minds of Adam and Eve against God.
There is no simple way of trying to prove or disprove the Adam and Eve story.
The red ornaments traditionally represent apples, which point to the story of Adam and Eve.
Process flows are charted with the same level of detail as the history of humankind, beginning with Adam and Eve.
The wise men reportedly came from as far as China to find Messiah born of a woman as was spoken of since Adam and Eve.
亚当与夏娃的禁果 与现在普遍流行的说法相反,创世纪一章中亚当和夏娃吃的并不是苹果。
Adam and Eve's Fruit Contrary to popular belief, Adam and Even did not eat an Apple in the book of Genesis.
So if the scientists have been suggesting that Adam and Eve no longer stood at the beginning of human time in the Garden of Eden in 4004 BC, who did?
We certainly haven't risen above the level of our first parents, Adam and eve, so the broad line from Paradise can only trend downward.
As the explosion cooled and its contents scattered, complexity engulfed the universe, splitting its symmetry asunder - a cosmic parallel to Adam and Eve.
The verse drama, still a cornerstone of Hungarian literature, describes how Adam is cast out of the Garden with Eve, renounces God and determines to recreate Eden through his own efforts.
This is the knowledge of good and evil of which Adam and Eve partook.
Which model is better supported by the data of Eve and Adam that we looked at in class?
The earliest decorations on trees associated with Christmas are detailed in the Medieval plays that tell the story of Adam and Eve.
Because there was no sin, Adam and Eve had a perfectly pure conscience and enjoyed a close friendship with God.
Unhindered by guilt or fear, Adam and Eve delighted in God, and he delighted in them.
在 <创世纪 >第三章里﹐我们看到上帝来到园中 和亚当 ,夏娃 有交谈与来往 。
We learn from Genesis 3 how God would come to the garden, to visit Adam and Eve .
Ever since Adam and eve didn't show up for their evening walk, God has been asking: Where are you?
Ever since Adam and eve didn't show up for their evening walk, God has been asking: Where are you?