• 为了实现这一点,建议多元文化管理应该表现出自身文化影响和局限性的理解

    For this to happen, he suggests the multi-cultural managers exhibit understanding of their own and others' cultural influences and limitations.


  • 说:“一个很好的沟通喜欢交流,展示博客技巧,喜欢沉浸文化中。”

    "I'm a great communicator, love meeting people , demonstrating blogging skills and immersing myself in other cultures, " he said


  • 公认他者退却解释流行文化破解密文盛行

    The retreat of the accepted Big Other accounts for the prevalence of code-cracking in popular culture.


  • 个体认知各种主观因素影响除此之外,还要小心文化定见(culturalstereotyping),任何他者”(the o ther)的遭遇中都会出现

    Apart from the susceptibility of individual perceptions to subjective influences of various kinds, there is also the risk of cultural stereotyping which arises in any encounter with 'the other'.


  • 还说到告诉现在跨国公司利益相关一种文化氛围,设计一些有益的措施,这能够使的公司之内不会遇到麻烦。

    "I tell them that there is now a whole culture of multi-stakeholder designed initiatives that are helpful, and can stop you getting into trouble in five years' time," he says.


  • 离世创新愿景损失即使韩国培养文化成为未来几十年的基准

    His passing is a loss to innovators and visionaries everywhere, even here in Korea, and the culture he fostered will be a benchmark for decades to come.


  • 这种情况下列维·斯特劳斯开始保留每一文化充耳不权利甚或可其提出异议。

    In this situation, levi-strauss came to maintain the right of every culture to remain deaf to the values of the Other, or even to contest them.


  • 优越物质文化美国国家目标热切信奉

    He was a passionate believer in the superior material culture and the "national purpose" of America.


  • 了解普京入主克宫的原因以及那以来统治手腕,最好办法视作克格勃世界文化思维观点显著复苏

    The best way to understand both Mr Putin's ascent into the Kremlin and his rule since is to see them as the remarkable recovery of the culture, mentality and view of the world of the old KGB.


  • 觉得尽管语言显然一个独特文化重要标志,但说语言组成语言使用思维模式未免言过其实了。

    He suggests that, although languages are obviously key features of what make cultures distinct, it is a mistake to overstate how much they encode thought patterns unique to its speakers.


  • 或许会觉得哈默·巴赫尔位苛刻的反对拒绝技术渗透广告为的基础的商业模式市场驱动的文化氛围中。

    You might say Hammerbacher is a conscientious objector to the ad-based business model and marketing-driven culture that now permeates tech.


  • 16获奖引人注目JosephMedicineCrow历史学家美国印第安文化捍卫祖父比格霍恩河战役(LittleBig Horn)中担任卡斯特(Custer)将军的侦察兵。

    The most striking figure among the 16 was Joseph Medicine Crow, a historian and champion of American Indian culture whose grandfather had been a scout with Custer at the battle of Little Big Horn.


  • 研究认为司各特一个文化民族主义反对苏格兰进步,也不反对苏格兰英格兰的联合

    This study holds that Scott was a cultural nationalist, and he was not against the improvement of Scotland and against the Union.


  • 中际层则是他者教育理论到达本土实践层面所要经历不同域,包括文化生活世界的场域;

    On the ground of education field, exploring the specialty of theory, practice concept and guiding of the Other's theory to local praxis.


  • 提出教育传统现代转换是他者教育理论本土化文化层面的研究目的所在。

    As frame of reference has ancient, modern, Chinese, Western and cultural pre-view senses, considering the value of educational traditions during the indigenization of Other's educational theory.


  • 她们处在两种文化罅隙中,带有尴尬的双重“他者身份

    They live between the two cultures and bear an embarrassed double-Other identity.


  • 一方面利用媒体手段强化东方文化他者”形象。

    They even take the advantages of medium and some other means to strengthen the "other" of the Oriental culture.


  • 丹尼尔·贝尔文化保守主义现代主义后现代主义文化一种否定的态度。

    Daniel Bell is a conservative man in culture. He holds a negative attitude towards cultures of both modernism and post-modernism.


  • 发现解释了为什么在两相比美国文化显得好斗中国文化却趋向守势。

    His findings go far toward explaining why American cultures seem so contentious and Chinese cultures so passive, when compared to each other.


  • 强势文化弱势文化视为低人一等他者,处于弱势文化或地位人民应该如何对待这种强加身份呢?

    As the strong culture views the weak culture as the inferior other, in what way should the people of the weak culture treat this imposition of identity?


  • 英美女性主义批评不再牵涉到那个据信分离、作为“他者”的女性文化创作出来的文学作品

    Anglo American feminist criticism is no longer concerned with the literary productions of a supposedly separate and "other" female culture.


  • 同窗显着世代中国有知识双语的和双文化的,达成了剪刀奇迹东方西方之间缝隙

    He and his schoolmates were of that remarkable generation of Chinese intellectuals, bilingual and bicultural, who achieved the miracle of bridging the gap between East and West.


  • 值得注意的是当今孔子佛祖不同甚至也和众多的印度教精神领袖和瑜珈师不同,东亚中国文化之外几乎没有跟随

    It is notable that today, unlike the Buddha and even various Hindu gurus and yogis, Confucius has almost no following outside the Chinese cultural sphere in East Asia.


  • 非裔美国看作区别美国主流文化的“他者”。

    African Americans have been known as "the Other" in mainstream American culture.


  • 非裔美国看作区别美国主流文化的“他者”。

    African Americans have been known as "the Other" in mainstream American culture.


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