• 如今,几乎可以任何事下赌注

    You can put a bet on almost anything these days.


  • 似乎不起精神任何事

    She seemed to be unable to rouse herself to do anything.


  • 糟糕的没有能力改变任何事

    The worst part is being helpless to change anything.


  • 不会人催促草率地任何事

    I'm not going to be rushed into anything.


  • 可以为了任何事制造争斗

    She could create a fight out of anything.


  • 决不会任何事伤害

    I would never do anything to hurt him.


  • 年轻未经世故任何事愿意尝试。

    He is young, fresh, and ready for anything.


  • 不想任何事来影响今天兴致

    She wasn't going to let anything dampen her spirits today.


  • 不能强迫任何事

    You can't make me do anything.


  • 允许我们任何事甚至是床上蹦跳

    She lets us do anything, even bounce on our beds.


  • 觉得托马斯说服任何相信任何事

    Thomas, she sensed, could convince anyone of anything.


  • 原谅任何事

    She'd forgive him anything.


  • 深爱父母任何事来让他们高兴

    She adored her parents and would do anything to please them.


  • 下决心这次旅行任何事影响兴致

    He was determined not to let anything detract from his enjoyment of the trip.


  • 无法预见情形任何事都有可能发生

    This is such an unforeseeable situation that anything could happen.


  • 他们喜爱能打破他们规律生活沉闷任何情。

    They enjoy anything that breaks the dullness of their routine life.


  • 马上认识这件不能指望任何事

    He learned right off the bat that you can't count on anything in this business.


  • 他们不必任何事只是在一旁闲着,享受生活

    They didn't have to do anything except sit back and enjoy life.


  • 本可以自己三明治;母亲本来不用费心任何事

    She could have made the sandwich herself; her mother needn't have bothered to do anything.


  • 愿意任何事讨好知道注定会让他失望

    She would do anything she could to please him, but she knew that she was fated to disappoint him.


  • 政府这个承认美国境内走私可卡因任何事是不合理的。

    It's unconscionable for the government to do anything for a man who admits to smuggling cocaine into the United States.


  • 任何事不能半心半。我做每件必须百分之百地投入。

    I can't do anything halfheartedly. I have to do everything 100 percent.


  • 曾以为如果其所搜集到所有知识充实自己,她就能处理任何事

    She thought that if she armed herself with all the knowledge she could gather she could handle anything.


  • 这些脚本来讲是大开眼界证明如果需求紧迫任何事

    Writing these scripts has been quite an eye-opener for me. It proves that you can do anything if the need is urgent.


  • 不会告诉与其有关任何情告诉任何其他女孩。我保证,发誓

    And I won't tell any of the other girls anything you tell me about it. I promise, cross my heart.


  • 不要放弃任何事

    Do not give up anything!


  • 顾问建议不要任何事

    My advisers counselled me to do nothing.


  • 依我看没有任何事

    As far as I can see, you've done nothing wrong.


  • 似乎任何都不会使信心受挫

    It seemed that nothing could dent his confidence.


  • 似乎任何都不会使信心受挫

    It seemed that nothing could dent his confidence.


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