• 斯图尔特否认有谋杀绑架企图

    Stewart denies attempted murder and kidnap.


  • 头驴嘶叫着,企图挣脱缰绳。

    The donkey brayed and tried to bolt.


  • 总统数次暗杀企图中幸免于难

    The president survived a number of assassination attempts.


  • 控制这个政党企图受阻了。

    She was thwarted in her attempt to take control of the party.


  • 指责报纸企图败坏名声

    He accused the newspaper of trying to blacken his name.


  • 报道企图玷污该党领袖的声誉。

    The story was an attempt to smear the party leader.


  • 他们企图妨碍司法公正而控。

    They were accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice.


  • 部队挫败了该岛南部渗透企图

    Troops repelled an attempt to infiltrate the south of the island.


  • 他们走私绘画作品企图未能得逞

    They were foiled in their attempt to smuggle the paintings.


  • 指责当地人企图败坏名誉

    He has accused local people of trying to besmirch his reputation.


  • 政府企图选举混淆实质问题

    The government was trying to fog the real issues before the election.


  • 他们企图妨碍司法公正

    They were accused of attempting to obstruct justice.


  • 企图谋杀那个男人仍然逍遥法外

    The man who tried to have her killed is still at large.


  • 囚犯企图逃跑失败了

    The prisoners attempted an escape, but failed.


  • 他们企图逃走时死了

    They were hacked to death as they tried to escape.


  • 指控企图蒙骗税务员

    She is accused of attempting to cheat the taxman.


  • 离婚企图教唆子女反对他们母亲

    After the divorce he tried to turn the children against their mother.


  • 这家报纸指责企图报复她以前的情人

    The paper accused her of trying to revenge herself on her former lover.


  • 南方各州作巡回演说,企图拉选票

    He barnstormed across the southern states in an attempt to woo the voters.


  • 该党企图觉得只有才代表民主

    The party is trying to give the impression that it alone stands for democracy.


  • 又是企图分散人们对事实真相注意力

    It was another attempt to distract attention from the truth.


  • 企图跳入逃走

    He tried to escape by diving into a river.


  • 否认企图谋杀妻子

    He denies attempting to murder his wife.


  • 企图枕头闷死

    He tried to smother me with a pillow.


  • 好几企图自杀

    He had attempted to kill himself on several occasions.


  • 他们散布关于传闻,企图贬低她的工作。

    They spread tales about her in an attempt to devalue her work.


  • 他们散布关于传闻,企图贬低她的工作。

    They spread tales about her in an attempt to devalue her work.


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