The fluctuations revealed the peaks and troughs of sound waves moving through the hot gas of the young universe.
In the night use electricity troughs to charge, also can reduce costs.
Some even managed to make decisions during the trough that brought in more business.
To 9 to 10 months, house prices may be low short-term period, there will be substantial growth in turnover.
Brazil striker Ronaldo, who is going through one of the most barren patches of his career, …
At the trough of love, and she had to take circuitous means, presumably she is intended to Dongshan Come back.
The global trade growth has fallen into a historical rare trough period. The global trade growth has been lower than the economic growth for several years.
The results reveal that a trough(full flower period) of total flavonoid content of stem and leaf exists between two peaks;
By taking a few simple steps to change your state and start feeling happy (even when you really aren’t), it will be far easier to find peace, even during the most difficult times in your life.
By taking a few simple steps to change your state and start feeling happy (even when you really aren't), it will be far easier to find peace, even during the most difficult times in your life.
WHEN Anne Lauvergeon arrived in 1999 as the new boss of COGEMA, a French state-owned uranium-mining and fuel-recycling firm, it was at a low point.
Since 2008, western firms have, for the most part, been reluctant to make major investments in foreign oil ventures, fearing a prolonged downturn in global sales.
Discipline and follow-up are the keys for this program to be successful and for the stores to maintain acceptable expense levels during the toughest sales periods.
Having run up huge losses during some of the best times America's auto industry ever had, GM is now showing solid profits in the midst of some of the industry's worst years.
The intelligent time-sharing meter presented by the author is different from the traditional ones specially designed for this purpose; replacement of kilowatt-hour meters now available is not needed.
第五位 苹果公司的低谷期开始我们通常认为国际性的商业机器公司属于某种邪恶的力量,比如说微软,但是如今的商业市场之中又有哪些公司能够超越那些由怪才控制和以在利润为原则的科技公司?
We used to think International Business Machines Corp. was sort of sinister. Then it was Microsoft Corp.
Markets that skyrocketed in the bubble, crashed hard and have rebounded smartly (example: San Francisco (down 46% from peak, up 21% from bottom).
Household energy use is around ten times higher at its peak than at its trough.
The classical theory has formed financial countermeasures at the period of economic low or top, but neglected policies at the economic turning points.
Wooden flooring has 10 years rapid development in China, it has become into the valley of the development since 2006, it encountered unprecedented winter season and confidence crisis.
Wooden flooring has 10 years rapid development in China, it has become into the valley of the development since 2006, it encountered unprecedented winter season and confidence crisis.