• 第三定律要求机器人保护自身的安全,但不得违反第一第二定律。

    The third law asks a robot to protect its own existence so long as that does not conflict with the first or second law.


  • 它们触角外壳帮助他们探测保护自身安全

    Their antennae and shells help them to detect and protect the security of themselves.


  • 症结在于交通法规保护道路使用者(司机)自身安全然而人们蔑视法律就是交通法规。

    Here's the conundrum; : traffic laws are ostensibly there for road-users' own safety; yet people flout them more than any other laws of the land.


  • 该行发言人博克(TaraBurke)周二我们一直在采取措施保护自身系统安全

    'We're always taking steps to protect the safety and security of our systems,' spokeswoman Tara Burke said Tuesday.


  • 他们触须外壳帮助他们探测保护自身安全

    Their antennae and shells help them to detect and protect.


  • “再细心不为过”的意思就是:不管是老师布置的家庭作业还是公司老板下达的任务尽可能更多时间保证自己所做的是最棒的。或者是说,保护家庭或是自身安全,再细心也不为过。

    A: "you can never be too careful" means it's good to spend as much time as possible to do a careful job to make it your best job when it comes to school homework or your office.


  • 了解一些保护自己方法有助于地震保证自身的安全

    Knowing some ways to protect yourself will help to keep you safe in the earthquake.


  • 所以为了保护他人安全以及他们自身的安全司机喝酒就不应该开车

    Therefore, drivers shouldn't drive after drinking in order to protect others' life as well as their own.


  • 尽管事实上感染狂犬病危险并不存在,但还是可以进一步保护自身、雪貂公众安全的。

    Although the risk of your ferret contracting rabies is virtually nonexistent, you can further protect yourself, your ferret and the public.


  • 除了自身有足够安全意识之外而且还要注意周围人员的安全环境保护

    In addition to self awareness regarding safe working practices, they shall demonstrate by their actions concern for the safety and well being of those around them and for the environment.


  • 密码模块保护信息核心部件自身安全需要得到保证,这种安全要求需要规范化

    Cryptographic modules are the important components to protect information, they are required to be protected, and the security requirements for them must be standardized.


  • 而在系统健壮性方面采用系统进程隐藏硬件结合软件保护方法,保证系统自身安全完整性。

    In system robust respect, this paper USES process hidden and software protected technical which combining software with hardware to insure system's integrality and security.


  • 工作如果控制激光器温度温控器失效,恒自身的过热保护功能切断驱动电流,强迫激光器停止工作,确保激光器安全使用。

    During the work, if the temperature controller is invalid, the excessive heat protect circuit can cut the driving current, and force the laser to stop work to insure the safety of lasers.


  • 艾滋病患者艾滋病毒携带者所在单位告知员工如何防范艾滋病毒感染重视做好自身安全健康保护

    AIDS patients or HIV location of the unit should inform the staff on how to prevent HIV infection, its importance to do a good job safety and health protection.


  • 欧洲问题银行业优先债券持有人面临越来越压力他们不能得到中央财政的支持保护自身的资金安全换言之,优先债券持有人面临债务重组的几率正在加大。

    The pressure is growing on senior bond holders of Europe's troubled Banks who might not receive state support to preserve their capital, in other words they are inching closer to a debt restructuring.


  • 实验表明数据隐藏方法能够有效保护虹膜特征模板数据,进而增强虹膜识别系统自身安全

    Experimental results prove that the proposed approach can be used to protect iris feature templates and enhance the security of the iris recognition system itself.


  • 撞车由于密封气囊自身变形其内气压升高而大量吸收撞车能量从而达到减小汽车的受损和保护司机和乘客安全的目的。

    When collision occurs, the air bag deforms and the air pressure in the bag is raised up to suck the most of collision energy, ensuring high safety.


  • 债权财产性可转让性,为提供了存在可能性自身具有的特点交易安全保护使其存在成为必要。

    The property nature and transferability of creditors rights make it possible to exist; the characteristics in itself and the protection of transaction make it necessary to exist.


  • 债权财产性可转让性,为提供了存在可能性自身具有的特点交易安全保护使其存在成为必要。

    The property nature and transferability of creditors rights make it possible to exist; the characteristics in itself and the protection of transaction make it necessary to exist.


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