• 汽车犯罪不断增加是个全国性问题

    The rising number of car crimes is a nationwide problem.


  • 举行会议地方性的,全国性

    Meetings were held locally and nationally.


  • 4全国性日报2改为周报

    Two of the four national daily papers are to become weeklies.


  • 我们明白配销一份全国性报纸有多么困难

    We didn't understand how difficult it was to distribute a national paper.


  • 体育运动管理机构特许参加全国性体育比赛

    The sport's ruling body gave him dispensation to compete in national competitions.


  • 是否应该修改政治避难展开了一全国性大辩论。

    There was a nationwide debate on whether the asylum laws should be changed.


  • 一项全国性运动,参加的人们政治信仰各不相同。

    It is a national movement and has within it people of all political persuasions.


  • 牧场主正在检测动物耳朵上的跟踪器,以建立一个全国性家畜跟踪系统

    Ranchers are testing electronic tags on animals' ears to create a national cattle-tracking system.


  • P. P从来没成为全国性公众人物

    P. P never wanted to be a national public figure.


  • 联合新闻传媒公司一家全国性报纸电视集团

    United News Media is the national newspaper and television group.


  • 没有阻止批评之声公司正在利用一场全国性悲剧

    That hasn't stopped criticism that the studio is exploiting a national tragedy.


  • 这场全国性经济灾难中没有失业者努力地寻找线希望。

    No one tries harder than the jobless to find silver linings in this national economic disaster.


  • 有时被称为美国社会接受的谋杀形式,现已成为一种全国性流行病

    Drunken driving—sometimes called America's socially accepted form of murder--has become a national epidemic.


  • 还是很多公共场合吸烟,这表明我们需要一个全国性运动提高人们吸烟危害认识。

    The fact that so many people still smoke in public place suggests that we may need a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the risks of smoking.


  • 发起了全国性运动希望设立一个全国性节日家庭团聚一起庆祝这个传统节日

    She began a nationwide campaign to have a national holiday declared that would bring families together while celebrating the traditional festival.


  • 这种有氧健身运动出现之前,市面上已经不少健身水疗会所,大城市甚至全国性连锁机构。

    A number of fitness spas existed prior to this aerobic fitness movement, even a national chain with spas in most major cities.


  • 这里发生的一切反映了一种全国性反知识分子趋势,这种趋势不会我们孩子未来做好准备。”

    "What is happening here reflects a national anti-intellectual trend that will not prepare our children for the future," Jia said.


  • 与其让各个开列审批药物、单位、厂商名录以及划定药价,还不如整合资源渥太华合作创立一个全国性医药代理机构

    Instead of each province having its own list of approved drugs, bureaucracy, procedures and limited bargaining power, all would pool resources, work with Ottawa, and create a national institution.


  • Romanow委员会Kirby卫生保健委员会——更不用说其他专家给出报告了——都建议建立一个全国性药品机构

    Both the Romanow Commission and the Kirby committee on health care—to say nothing of reports from other expertsrecommended the creation of a national drug agency.


  • 封信中,阿德霍尔德西温莎-普兰斯伯勒地区学区纳入了一场全国性讨论之中,其内容是关于精英学校成就的高度关注以及这种关注是否过度了。

    With his letter, Aderhold inserted West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District into a national discussion about the intense focus on achievement at elite schools, and whether it has gone too far.


  • 一提案引发全国性抗议浪潮。

    The proposal would spark a storm of protest around the country.


  • 去年秋季全国性的新行政区划后,众议院参议院中的黑人代表翻了一番

    Following statewide redistricting last autumn, black representation in both the House and Senate doubled.


  • 是一个全国性的阅读栏目。

    It's a national reading program.


  • 外,一个全国性的“光盘”行动已经在网上启动。

    In addition, a nationwide "Clear Your Plate" action has been launched online.


  • 1978年,中国开始了一项全国性的植树计划,即三北防护林计划,也被称为“绿色长城”。

    In 1978, China began a nationwide tree-planting programme known as the Three North Shelterbelt Forest Programme, also known as "the Great Green Wall".


  • 开启了全国范围内的运动,致力于推行一个全国性节日宣称庆祝这个传统节日时,带来家人团聚。

    She began a nationwide campaign to have a national holiday declared that would bring families together while celebrating the traditional festivals.


  • 来自全国各地大约10万名学生参加这个项目一系列竞赛每年5举行全国性竞赛节目式的比赛则将其推向高潮

    About 100,000 students around the country participate in the program's competition series, which culminates in a national game-show-style contest held each May.


  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校琳达·萨克斯研究就是个恰当例子利用了一项全国性大一新生调查评估单性别高中男女混合高中效果

    A case in point is the study by Linda Sax at UCLA, who used data from a large national survey of college freshmen to evaluate the effect of single-sex versus coeducational high schools.


  • 第一次全国性电视演说

    It was his first national television address.


  • 认为停止全国性流感服务

    I think we should stop the national pandemic flu service.


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