The firms are supposed to provide only details that are public, or can be found out legally (“market colour” is what people in the industry call it).
该计划将考验百度是否会因为公众批评而调整自己的商业模式。 批评人士称,这家纳斯达克(Nasdaq)上市公司面临一场信心危机。
The plan aims to test Baidu's willingness to adjust its business model in response to what critics have billed as a crisis of confidence in the Nasdaq-listed Chinese company.
Information disclosure is the basic form for a listed company to communicate with the public and also the most effective means to protect investors' legitimate rights and interests.
Public investor is usually weak in getting information about listed companies.
By Comparing between China and the U. s firms, there are differences in many aspects, such as business environment, regulation of law and the ownership structure.
Because listed companies are publicly held companies, the quality of their accounting information affects the social resources' arrangement and the market efficiency.
Listed companies, as public companies, in addition to protecting the interests of the company, but also to focus on the medium and small investors and the public interest protected.
Stockholders of state-owned, legal-person and public people don't have obvious governance effects. Stockholders of managers have positive governance effects.
Do you know that listed company should produce annual report along with corporate governance report (CG report) for public to access?
The scandals struck seriously the trust of the public and investors to the stock market.
Voluntary disclosure can be defined as disclosure providing the public with related information in the excess of requirements.
Voluntary disclosure can be defined as disclosure providing the public with related information in the excess of requirements.