• 尽管欧洲债券市场几个之前情形有所改善,承受着相当大压力

    And while Europe's bond markets are in better shape than they were a few months ago, they're still under considerable pressure.


  • 她们发现台用来检测样品机器几个月之前研究过程中XMRV污染了

    They further found that one of the machines they used to test samples also had been contaminated with XMRV in studies they had done months before the current analysis.


  • 1929年圣诞节前夕,白宫总统办公室发生火灾之前几个月,赫伯特·胡佛总统一直在海军部长办公室工作。

    President Herbert Hoover occupied the Secretary of Navy's office for a few months following a fire in the Oval Office on Christmas Eve 1929.


  • 1929年圣诞节前夕,白宫总统办公室发生火灾之前几个月,赫伯特·胡佛总统一直在海军部长办公室工作。

    President Herbert Hoover occupied the Secretary of Navy's office for a few months following a fire in the Oval Office on Christmas Eve 1929.


  • 要记住灵感之前可能熬上几个月,这还要要的是什么如果真是朝思暮想等待

    Remember it can take a couple of months before inspiration strikes, depending on what you ask, but if you really want it enough, it is worth the wait.


  • 几个之前伦·艾伦公园伦敦小屋举行州立公园委员会会议上,这份录音当场会议上播放,这人们的震撼显而易见的。

    Its effect on people is noticeable. It was played before a state Parks Commission meeting several months ago that was held in London's den at the Glen Ellen state park.


  • 就在几个月之前诊断白血病而那种疾病似乎企图一种及其迅速残忍方式夺走他的生命。

    Just months before, he'd been diagnosed with Leukemia, a thing that seemed intent on doing what it came to do in a quick and merciless manner.


  • 几个之前睡眠起床的时候还是让感到恐惧的时刻

    A few months ago, I had a terrible time sleeping and getting up.


  • 报告澄清了一些几个前的问题,在这之前一直没有任何解释

    The report offered some belated clarityabout an event that for months had resisted easy interpretation.


  • 北半球春季一个就到来了,春天第一来到之前,让我们再看一眼过去几个寒冷下雪的冬季。

    With one month of the season left before the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, take a look at the cold, snowy days of the last couple months.


  • 的确一个有趣专利如果之前的报道可信的话,那么更多关于它的细节将会未来几年或者甚至几个月揭晓。

    It's certainly an interesting patent with a good bit of detail revealing what's happening in the next few years or perhaps even months if a previous report is to be believed.


  • 随后几个月以至几年中掉了更多头发并且自己衣橱改造成真实反映冷漠态度的样子,而非之前试图说服世人的那个谎言

    In the months and years afterwards I lopped off even more hair and changed my wardrobe to reflect my apathy rather then this lie I was trying to convince everyone of.


  • 几个之前克林顿听取这份报告摘要说明,克林顿团队的一些成员本周咨询了这些作者

    Clinton was first briefed on the report several months ago and members of her team consulted the authors this week.


  • 是因为,在通常了解某个提议更改几个月之前可能就已经确切了解企业正在考虑什么

    That's because you will know exactly what the business is considering potentially months before you would normally find out about a proposed change.


  • 几个月之前愧疚感给(这本书的)编辑封信就稿件耽搁这么长时间一事道歉并且表示非常愿意重拾此事。

    A couple of months ago, bothered by guilt, I wrote a letter to the editor saying how sorry I wasto be so late and expressing my good intentions to get to work.


  • 事业有起色之前可能存在几个几年资金问题

    There also may be financial difficulties until the business becomes profitable, which could take months or years.


  • 几个之前告诉成功商业停播了一个叫做超级女生的公众选秀节目。

    A few months ago it told a successful commercial station to stop broadcasting a popular talent contest called Super Girl.


  • 我们房市、抵押贷款信贷市场不安情绪转向一路上涨油价之前,还是先总结一下过去几个学到了些什么吧。

    Before we replace angst about housing, mortgages and credit markets with anxiety about rising oil prices, consider what we've learned in the past several months.


  • 相遇之后,并且谨记办公室恋情风险他们开始约会之前花费了几个的时间相互熟悉彼此。

    After meeting -- and mindful of the risks of office romance -- they took several months to get acquainted before they started dating.


  • 几个之前,弗农·乔丹小石城我们的时候,居然也向提起这个问题。

    Even Vernon Jordan had mentioned it to her when he came to Little Rock to visit us a few months earlier.


  • 亚马逊宣布ec2之前几个微软就已经开始他们自己的平台

    Microsoft started working on their own cloud platform only a few months before Amazon announced EC2.


  • 几个月之前发生一连串地震,伴随而是地下水水位当地地形海拔变化

    In the months before, there had been a swarm of small earthquakes, along with changes in ground-water levels and the elevation of local terrain.


  • 危机之前美国可比储蓄率大约为3%,最近几个月则为6%。

    The comparable rate in the U.S. was about 3% before the crisis, and 6% in recent months.


  • 波斯特,在肯尼迪相遇之前从未听说过这个人。并称两人相遇几个月,她收到肯尼迪的来信,肯尼迪在信中自己无法停止的“瑞典姑娘”的思念,这让波斯特吃惊。

    Von Post said she had never heard of Kennedy prior to the meeting and was surprised to hear from him months later when he told her he could not stop thinking of his "Swedish girl.


  • 最近几个月之前遭受袭击两个地点——泰·马哈酒店贝·罗伊酒店——已经完成了在袭击事件中受损严重的部位的大规模整修。

    In recent months, two of the sites of the attacks - the Taj Mahal and the Oberoi - have completed extensive renovations to repair the damage from the violence.


  • 后来罗斯顶层公寓几个街区雅伯·雷斯低收入家庭住宅区安顿之前几个月里他们都是一些流浪者收留站度过的。

    The family subsequently spent months in a couple of rough homeless shelters before settling in the Jacob Riis projects, a few blocks from the Rosens' penthouse.


  • 找到一个属于自己之前暂住于临时公寓几个星期,几个月甚至几年

    Staying in a boarding house where people may live for weeks, months or years when they are not able to find a home of their own.


  • 而且项目通常几个月之前开始了,所以对于交稿期限恐惧微乎其微

    And with projects often started months out, the fear of a tight deadline is minimized.


  • 而且项目通常几个月之前开始了,所以对于交稿期限恐惧微乎其微

    And with projects often started months out, the fear of a tight deadline is minimized.


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