The incident Angle dependences of the cross sections for single event upset and single event latchup are presented.
The paper also introduces the function of reading back configuration data from FPGA, this function can verify the Single Event Upset.
The SEU effects of six CMOS SRAMs with different feature size(from 0.
Expermental methods were emphatically described for measuring the proton Single Event Upset (SEU) cross section in Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs).
Two typical master-slave type D flip-flop of strong hardness to Single Event Upset(SEU) for radiation environment are introduced.
It is an efficacious method to simulate the SEU with Heavy Ion produced by Accelerator.
Feasibility of prediction for single event upset rate based on 252cf experimental results in space orbits was analyzed.
用MEDICI二维模拟软件对MOSFET的单粒子翻转现象进行了计算 ,力图从理论上建立分析器件单粒子翻转的可靠手段 。
The SEU for MOSFET is simulated using the software of the MEDICI two dimensional device simulator. By the theory, a reliable approach is set up for analyzing the device?s SEU.
用MEDICI二维模拟软件对MOSFET的单粒子翻转现象进行了计算 ,力图从理论上建立分析器件单粒子翻转的可靠手段 。
The SEU for MOSFET is simulated using the software of the MEDICI two dimensional device simulator. By the theory, a reliable approach is set up for analyzing the device?s SEU.