• 博士后老师这个水平间,提升高于达到1.04至2.45

    Between postdoctoral and lecturer level, men are more likely to be promoted than women are, by a factor of between 1.04 and 2.45.


  • 特别地,目标应该具体衡量竞争的、可达到的、组织主要工作相关的,并且有时间限制。

    In particular, goals should be specific and measurable, challenging, attainable, relevant to the major work of the organization, and time_limited.


  • 另一个最新发明针对12英寸探针eg6000而生的精密直接驱动技术技术一设备达到了同系列产品现今可达到最高精确

    Another recent innovation is their precision direct-drive technology for their 12-inch prober, the EG6000, which allows this system to achieve the highest accuracy available today.


  • 冲击动力、喷溅流股方面分析了旋流喷头优点,认为达到要求提高溅渣的均匀效果

    According to analysis of jet characteristics and degree of slopping, the swirl-flow oxygen lance can satisfy the need of slag splashing for furnace protection and improve metallurgical results.


  • 介绍图解设计排洪实用经济断面,此法达到快速、优化设计目的并且具有通用形象直观的特点。

    It introduces a diagram method for design of flood discharge trench utility section, which is more universal and vivid and can attain the goal of quick& optimized design.


  • 通过运用创造翻译技巧进行古诗词翻译达到译文原文意境、文化背景情感上的和谐统一。

    By using creative translating techniques in ancient poetry translation, the perfect harmony of cultural background and emotion of translated and original works can be reached.


  • 回路过程控制器分布控制系统中散度达到一个回路智能化仪表具有功能强,灵活等特点。

    Circuit process controller is an intelligent instrument witch divergence in distributed control system can reach one loop, with the property of high reliability, rich function and well flexibility.


  • 焊接后残留物,腐蚀小,具有极高的表面绝缘阻抗无需清洗即达到极佳ICT测试能。

    Very low residue and few causticity, with high-surface insulation resistance value, no need to wash it also can reach the excellent ICT test value.


  • 进行加速耐久研究达到事半功倍效果

    Research of accelerated durability will get twice the result with half the effort.


  • 结论通过支气管肺泡灌注ple支气管封堵器堵塞可达到功能肺叶切除术目的。

    Conclusion FPLT could be obtained after PLE was injected to the target lung, and target bronchia obstructed with broncho-occluder by catheter.


  • 结果结论方法特异线及线范围、灵敏度、重现回收率达到蛋白多肽药物代动力学研究要求

    Results and Conclusion The specificity, linear range, reproducibility and recovery for the method could meet the requirements for studying pharmacokinetics of bioactive proteins or peptides.


  • 薄膜加热处理,掺剥落沥青集料之间粘附没有降低可达到55级。

    The adhesion between asphalt added this anti-stripping agent and aggregates did not decrease after film heating. However, it remained at the level of grade 5 or 5-.


  • 结论:经动脉节段组织灭活,方法可达到外科节段切除效果

    Conclusion: Liver segmental ablation technique is a safe, practical and effective alternative to local surgical hepatectomy.


  • 因此使用CVD配置达到相对较高沉积速率同时获得所要程度涂层均一

    Thus, using this CVD configuration a relatively high deposition rate can be achieved while obtaining desired levels of coating uniformity.


  • 结论三联药物糊剂一次治疗根尖周炎达到常规多次治疗法同等疗效

    Conclusion The curative effect of Tri-medicament paste in one-time treatment for chronic periapical periodontitis can reach the same curative effect as regular many-time therapy.


  • 使用评定试验结果表明,焦化馏分加氢后喷气燃料经过非加氢精制后其组成橡胶相溶动态氧化热安定润滑达到使用要求

    The evaluation of the service performance indicated that the indexes of composition, solubility with rubber, dynamic thermal-oxidative stability and lubricity all met the service requirements.


  • 学术达到实用跨度厉害神经学整个领域但是今天单身发起时,保持内聚

    This scholarly and yet accessible and practical book spans the entire field of acute neurology but remains cohesive as it is single-authored.


  • 采用亚音速乙炔火焰喷涂技术,喷涂一次自粘结粉末,经测定涂层的结合强度可达到打底层界面结合强度。

    The strength of coating layer obtained by one-shot self-felt powder with subsonic oxygen-acetylene spraying technique was discussed.


  • 绝非牺牲他人需求达到的,而是了悟到终究我们根本,以这种了悟来达成的。

    And it would not be done with a sense of sacrificing to the needs of others, but with the understanding that ultimately this is your basic awareness.


  • 实验得出体系对于封堵达到90%以上,而对于封堵率仅为30%左右,具有强的选择封堵能力

    The experiments showed that the block rate of water could reach over 90%. on the other hand, the block rate of oil was less 30%, which demonstrated excellent plugging ability.


  • 其实使用刺激化妆品达到护肤效果此外,以自然食物护肤

    In fact using harsh small cosmetics can protect skin effect, in addition to the natural and eat food can also protect skin.


  • 结论明确糖尿病青光眼小梁切除术并发症原因采取积极治疗措施,达到预防治疗的目的。

    Conclusion The complication after diabetic glaucoma trabeculectomy can be prevented and well controlled when its cause are known and initiative remedy is taken.


  • 系统实现推力校准远距离控制提高校准精度效率安全常温校准结果可达到0.05%。

    The system implements remote control and improves calibration accuracy, efficiency and security. The result of thrust calibration in normal temperature attains 0.05%.


  • 猪粪臭味不会外泄达到无臭味养猪目的,实用

    The utility model has the advantages that the odor of pig dung cannot escape outwards, the purpose of odorless pig raising can be achieved, and the device has strong practicability.


  • 本文讨论DPM符号标准验证方法以及达到最佳效果条形码阅读器配置

    This paper discusses DPM symbol readability criteria, verification methodologies, and barcode reader configurations that will yield optimal results.


  • 本文讨论DPM符号标准验证方法以及达到最佳效果条形码阅读器配置

    This paper discusses DPM symbol readability criteria, verification methodologies, and barcode reader configurations that will yield optimal results.


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