Mr. Li has not, for example, been able to face his accusers, and his lawyers could not cross-examine them.
The prosecutor pointed out that roosters' eggs were very valuable for mixing magic potions, and that Satan was known to employ witches for brooding these eggs.
Prosecutors’ powers should be clipped: most white-collar suspects are not Al Capone, and should not be treated as if they were.
Critics say Singapore's courts have set a low bar; prosecutors simply have to show that a defendant could have given an average reader an impression of judicial bias or impropriety.
They were at the mercy of informers who might at any moment denounce them.
These studies were published in scientific and professional journals, and were adopted by practitioners in several organizations as applied tools for safety management.
The report found that about half the 406 land acquisitions in Ethiopia and the 405 deals in Mozambique from 2004 to 2009 came from foreign investors.
For example, in the health care field, people with disabilities are more than twice as likely to report finding health care provider skills inadequate to meet their needs.
If he complains, he risks prosecution or, more likely, being asked for another bribe by the police.
The crime was so shocking that relatives of the killers turned them in to police and gave evidence against them in court.
He makes arsene Wenger, whom he once denounced as a "voyeur", and his friend Alex Ferguson seem like a pair of Corinthian gentleman when it comes to accepting a loss.
The term "advertisement publisher" refers to a legal person or an economic organization that publishes ads for advertisers or for advertising agents entrusted by advertisers.
In their report, published today in the Journal of Experimental Biology, the researchers warn that noise pollution-as well as chemical pollution-could deafen whales.
The environmentalists made a spoof advertisement for one of the company's chocolate bars, KitKat, which contains palm oil, and published it on the Internet.
Police caught a break when eyewitnesses reported seeing the shooters: Two white men in a white box truck.
A study, published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), found that pensioners who enjoyed a few drinks every week, had a 23 per cent lower risk of mortality than teetotallers.
But since then, a broader range of environmentalists has taken up the cause.
His draft bill, influenced by Britain's RSPCA, promised to do this and offer rewards to informers.
After that report Apple gave away free bumpers that covered the gap.
Article 21 in carrying out advertising activities, advertisers, advertising agents and advertisement publishers should not engage in any form of unfair competition.
Article 23 Advertisers shall entrust the designing, production and publishing of advertisements to advertising agents and publishers that are lawful for their operation.
The shipment Verification feature provides two dashboards, one for the shipper and one for the receiver, that report all details about the shipment processes.
The result is that brands matter less: a recent Nielsen survey found that more than sixty per cent of consumers think that stores’ generic products are equal in quality to brand-name ones.
“Google广告呼叫跟踪分析” —广告发布者们现在可以追踪到有多少电话呼入是通过在Google搜索或其他Google系统上发布的广告而来。
“Google Ads Call Tracking Analytics” — Advertisers can now track how many phone calls come in to through Google search, through Google’s own system.
Where Rumpole and Mr Mortimer fused together was in their sense of how lawyers should behave. Both were freedom-fighters.
In an online trust game where players could lower their chances of winning by warning others about cheaters, the threat of being the subject of bad gossip encouraged people to play more fairly.
In an online trust game where players could lower their chances of winning by warning others about cheaters, the threat of being the subject of bad gossip encouraged people to play more fairly.