• 例如李先生不能告发人对质他的辩护律师不能质证告发者

    Mr. Li has not, for example, been able to face his accusers, and his lawyers could not cross-examine them.


  • 告发者指出鸡蛋非常宝贵魔法混合药剂并且大家都知道撒旦曾经雇佣巫婆孵化这些

    The prosecutor pointed out that roosters' eggs were very valuable for mixing magic potions, and that Satan was known to employ witches for brooding these eggs.


  • 告发者权利不该省略多数白领嫌疑犯不是阿尔•卡不能因为他们好像卡彭来对待

    Prosecutors’ powers should be clipped: most white-collar suspects are not Al Capone, and should not be treated as if they were.


  • 批评认为新加坡法庭设立的标准偏低告发者只需表明被告可以大部分感到司法存在偏见不得当。

    Critics say Singapore's courts have set a low bar; prosecutors simply have to show that a defendant could have given an average reader an impression of judicial bias or impropriety.


  • 他们完全受那些随时可能告发他们告密支配

    They were at the mercy of informers who might at any moment denounce them.


  • 这些研究科学专业杂志上几个组织中的实践作为安全管理应用工具采用

    These studies were published in scientific and professional journals, and were adopted by practitioners in several organizations as applied tools for safety management.


  • 埃塞俄比亚总数406项莫桑比克2004年2009年共405项获取土地交易大约一半来自国外投资

    The report found that about half the 406 land acquisitions in Ethiopia and the 405 deals in Mozambique from 2004 to 2009 came from foreign investors.


  • 举例来说,卫生保健领域残疾人卫生保健提供技能不足以满足需求可能性正常人的以上

    For example, in the health care field, people with disabilities are more than twice as likely to report finding health care provider skills inadequate to meet their needs.


  • 如果行贿告发可能受到起诉有可能警方再要一回好处费。

    If he complains, he risks prosecution or, more likely, being asked for another bribe by the police.


  • 这起罪行如此骇人听闻以至于杀人亲属们将他们告发到了警察局法庭上出示了不利于他们的证据

    The crime was so shocking that relatives of the killers turned them in to police and gave evidence against them in court.


  • 接受失败方面相比,告发淫癖温格好朋友弗格森看上去就是一对科林斯式绅士

    He makes arsene Wenger, whom he once denounced as a "voyeur", and his friend Alex Ferguson seem like a pair of Corinthian gentleman when it comes to accepting a loss.


  • 本法所称广,是广告主广告主委托广告经营发布广告法人其他经济组织

    The term "advertisement publisher" refers to a legal person or an economic organization that publishes ads for advertisers or for advertising agents entrusted by advertisers.


  • 这项研究报今天生物实验杂志上研究警告说,噪音污染可导致鲸鱼失聪,这和化学污染一样的可怕。

    In their report, published today in the Journal of Experimental Biology, the researchers warn that noise pollution-as well as chemical pollution-could deafen whales.


  • 环保主义集团含有棕榈油巧克力品牌“奇巧巧克力”做了恶作剧广告则广到了网络

    The environmentalists made a spoof advertisement for one of the company's chocolate bars, KitKat, which contains palm oil, and published it on the Internet.


  • 警方通过目击射手寻求到了突破点:躲白色卡车车厢中的两个白人男子

    Police caught a break when eyewitnesses reported seeing the shooters: Two white men in a white box truck.


  • 英国国家统计局(ONS)发布一项研究,老人星期喝点酒,其死亡风险禁酒23%。

    A study, published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), found that pensioners who enjoyed a few drinks every week, had a 23 per cent lower risk of mortality than teetotallers.


  • 自从那则告发布后,范围环境主义加入了提倡食素的行列

    But since then, a broader range of environmentalists has taken up the cause.


  • 英国皇家防止虐待动物协会(RSPCA)的影响,起草的法律草案承诺虐待动物入罪,奖励告发人。

    His draft bill, influenced by Britain's RSPCA, promised to do this and offer rewards to informers.


  • 份报告发之后苹果公司消费免费发放手机保护套以解决问题。

    After that report Apple gave away free bumpers that covered the gap.


  • 第二十一广告主广告经营广不得广告活动进行任何形式不正当竞争

    Article 21 in carrying out advertising activities, advertisers, advertising agents and advertisement publishers should not engage in any form of unfair competition.


  • 第二十三广告主委托设计制作发布广告应当委托具有合法经营资格广告经营、广

    Article 23 Advertisers shall entrust the designing, production and publishing of advertisements to advertising agents and publishers that are lawful for their operation.


  • ShipmentVerification特性提供两个面板个供发货使用,另一个接收使用,它们过程所有细节

    The shipment Verification feature provides two dashboards, one for the shipper and one for the receiver, that report all details about the shipment processes.


  • 这个结果品牌本身所带来影响力减少了:最经NIELSEN调查,60%以上的消费认为商店普通产品与品牌店的产品质量一样。

    The result is that brands matter less: a recent Nielsen survey found that more than sixty per cent of consumers think that storesgeneric products are equal in quality to brand-name ones.


  • Google广告呼叫跟踪分析” —广现在可以追踪到多少电话通过在Google搜索或其他Google系统上发布的广告而来。

    Google Ads Call Tracking Analytics” — Advertisers can now track how many phone calls come in to through Google search, through Google’s own system.


  • 兰伯尔莫蒂之同,在于他们认同律师举止,在于他们为自由而抗争,在于他们反对告发——他们的职责就是帮助被告,使之不受权重而愚蠢的法律侵害。

    Where Rumpole and Mr Mortimer fused together was in their sense of how lawyers should behave. Both were freedom-fighters.


  • 一个网上信任游戏中,如果玩家他人告发作弊,作弊获胜机会就会降低,害怕成为不利流言的主角的威胁鼓励人们公平地玩游戏

    In an online trust game where players could lower their chances of winning by warning others about cheaters, the threat of being the subject of bad gossip encouraged people to play more fairly.


  • 一个网上信任游戏中,如果玩家他人告发作弊,作弊获胜机会就会降低,害怕成为不利流言的主角的威胁鼓励人们公平地玩游戏

    In an online trust game where players could lower their chances of winning by warning others about cheaters, the threat of being the subject of bad gossip encouraged people to play more fairly.


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