• 比赛结束时候迈克传给了张威

    Near the end of the game, Mike passed the ball to Zhang Wei.


  • 每一比赛结束的时候每个已经开始一个比赛设计的了。

    Every year, as the championship ends, each team is already dreaming of the next masterpiece it will design.


  • 意大利比赛中登场,比赛结束的时候,我飞快地跑巴乔交换球衣

    I came on against Italy and at the end of the game I ran so fast to try to swap shirts with Roberto Baggio.


  • 但是很快荷兰控制住了局势,比赛结束时候呈现的是不寻常的现象,即巴西疯狂欲追平比分。

    But soon, the Dutch took control, and the end of the match presented the unusual sight of the Brazilians scrambling wildly to find an equalizer.


  • 体育馆第一比赛结束时候清场了

    The stadium emptied at the end of the first day of games.


  • 记录成功地最有意义话语比赛结束以后轻声地马说:“今晚拯救了人生”,这话的时候她已经是满眼泪水

    The significance of her achievement is summed up in the words she whispers to her mount after the race. "You saved my life tonight," she tells him with tears in her eyes.


  • 周三早些时候结束的比赛中,阿扎伦卡两个6 - 2完胜萨姆·斯托瑟,延续了对阵斯托瑟的完美记录

    Azarenka maintained her perfect record against Sam Stosur with a 6-2, 6-2 win earlier Wednesday.


  • 澳大利亚前锋亚当克瓦斯尼克距离比赛结束还有11分钟时候再次为谢菲联追平比分。

    Blades ensured a share of the spoils when Australian Adam Kwasnik equalised 11 minutes from time.


  • 白宫发言人罗伯特•吉布斯晚些时候表示奥巴马结束席尔瓦30分钟会晤时,了拍誓称:“我们不会再次领先2分的情况下比赛的。”

    White House spokesman Robert Gibbs later said Obama ended his 30-minute session with Silva by patting the Brazilian's back and vowing, "we will not lose a two-point lead again."


  • 比赛结束时候进了一个

    He kicked a goal at the end of the match.


  • 答:“没有看到任何事情比赛结束我就关掉电视但是有些时候有些事情应该发生比战后的。”

    I didn't see anything. I turned off the TV after the match, but sometimes things happen that shouldn't happen after a derby.


  • 他们控告比赛结束奖项已经决定之后,不是照片提交去参赛时候

    Their complaint came after the contest's judging was finished and awards had been determined, but not when the photographs were submitted for competition.


  • 比赛快要结束的时候科比连续投中3个三分球,包括比赛结束前17的打平比分的一个。湖人98平进入加时赛

    In regulation, Bryant connected on three straight 3-pointers, including the game-tying shot from the arc with 17 seconds left to make it 98-98.


  • 知道那场比赛结束回到家后和邻居怎么的吗?比赛还有几分钟时候关掉电视

    But you know what I tell my neighbor, after that match when I've driven home, because he turned off the TV minutes before the game over.


  • 这场比赛裁判杀抢断打手的时候已经结束从来没有这么接近过。

    This game ended when the refs called that Marcus strip, should have never been that close.


  • 约翰反败为胜运动员一个团队多次失分后,终于比赛快要结束的时候把比分上,取得比赛胜利!

    John: a comeback is when one athlete or team is losing by many points, but near the very end they catch up and win!


  • 自始至终我们全神贯注,不过比赛结束时候被对方打进一太走运

    We did well to maintain our focus from the beginning until the end, except unfortunately for the goal that we conceded right at the end.


  • 可能发生情况太多了,但是幸运女神还是眷顾我们,我们比赛临近结束时候成功找到了得分的机会。

    It's a variety of things, but we just feel fortunate we're able to figure out ways at the end of the game to get something done.


  • 看着时间比赛结束滴答滴答地走过,尽管几个进球,但你仍然感觉非常紧张看到时钟到达85分钟时候,我才开始感到轻松

    I was watching the minutes tick away towards the end and even though you're a few goals up you still feel very nervous. When I saw the clock reach 85 minutes I started to get a good feeling.


  • 并不确认什么时候受伤半场时候感到有点疼痛但是全场比赛结束看起来疼痛又消失了。

    He's not sure when exactly the injury occurred, at halftime he said he was in a bit of pain but at the end of the game it seemed to have passed and there were no problems.


  • 上周我们上升到了联赛第一位置,因此希望我们继续赢得比赛以便于我们可以赛季结束的时候还排联赛的榜首

    Last week we went top of the league so I hope we can continue winning game so that we're on top of the league at the end of the season.


  • 比赛时候已经向比赛结束后,我又去探望伤势

    Obviously I apologised to him both during and after the match, going to check on his condition following the final whistle.


  • 吊环比赛每个技巧动作结束时候,吊环保持相对静止摆荡,选手的身体必须挺直曲,双臂平稳有力颤抖

    In tings routine. the rings should be absolutely still and in control at the end 0f each skill. The Body should be straight with n0 arching, and arms should be sturdy and strong with no shaking.


  • 吊环比赛每个技巧动作结束时候,吊环保持相对静止摆荡,选手的身体必须挺直曲,双臂平稳有力颤抖

    In tings routine. the rings should be absolutely still and in control at the end 0f each skill. The Body should be straight with n0 arching, and arms should be sturdy and strong with no shaking.


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