Odd though it sounds, cosmicinflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics.
The Higgs is crucial to the theory, but its predicted mass is subject to wild fluctuations caused by quantum effects from other fundamental particles.
The difficulties stem from the fact that the interaction between elementary particles and fields is really too violent for a satisfactory theory to be set up.
Data from the CMS experiment is showing significant excesses of particles known as leptons being created in triplets, a result that could be interpreted as evidence for a theory called supersymmetry.
slide-" The basic law really takes the form of a unified quantum theory of all the fundamental forces and all the elementary particles."
The exact abundances of the three lightest elements are an important test of the so-called Standard Model of physics-the list of fundamental particles found so far and the forces that link them.
One possibility predicted by M-theory is supersymmetry, an idea that says fundamental particles have heavy – and as yet undiscovered – twins, with curious names such as selectrons and squarks.
In this paper, the classification of elementary particles and the theory of SU (3) are reviewed.
This is one of the few examples of a fundamental particle being predicted in theory and later discovered by experiment.
The basic ideology in the paper is "the basic particle is not basic", which illustrates in three respects, such as dance of generation and annihilation, straton model and boot loop theory.
It has proved to be extremely useful, and Nambu's theories permeate the Standard Model of elementary particle physics.
A hypothetical particle consisting of a very short one-dimensional string existing in ten dimensions. It is the elementary particle in a theory of space-time incorporating supersymmetry.
Unlike Einstein's equations, ECKS gravity takes account of the spin or angular momentum of elementary particles.
Although the Standard Model requires only one Higgs field to generate all the elementary particle masses, physicists know that the Standard Model must be superseded by a more complete theory.
Cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary particle physics.
Cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary particle physics.