• 有关存取方面的限制适用组织外部使用者

    Restrictions on access can be applied both within an organization and to external users.


  • 本《概念框架》确立外部使用者编报财务报表所依据概念。

    ThisConceptual Framework sets out the concepts that underlie the preparation and presentation of financial statements for external users.


  • 财务报表外部使用者可以利用报表附注帮助他们理解财务报表。

    External users of financial statements can use the footnotes to the financial statements to help their understanding of financial statements.


  • 例如外部使用者可以利用网路伺服器程序中的缓冲区溢位可能使攻击登入机器

    For example, a buffer overflow in a network server program that can be tickled by outside users may provide an attacker with a login on the machine.


  • 确定性会计财务会计体系一部分目标外部使用者提供不确定性经济业务信息

    Uncertainty accounting is a part of financial accounting as a whole, of which objective is to provide external users with information about un.


  • 确定性会计财务会计体系一部分目标外部使用者提供不确定性经济业务信息

    Uncertainty accounting is a part of financial accounting as a whole, of which objective is to provide external users with information about uncertain economic events.


  • 可以消息导出wsdl使以前生成的WSDL用于外部使用者导出以前导入的WSDL。

    WSDL can be exported from a message set, allowing you to make a previously generated WSDL available to an external consumer or to export a previously imported WSDL.


  • 使用者流程通常不是如此(它们使用服务),除非流程外部使用者公开使用B2B接口业务合作伙伴

    Consumer processes generally are not (they consume services), except where the process is exposed to an external consumer, such as a business partner using a Business-to-Business (B2B) interface.


  • SOA安全性管理——一个跨越性场景重点关注服务运行的管理和确保外部使用者价值业务服务的安全访问

    SOA Security and Management -- A cross-cutting scenario focusing on management of services at run time and ensuring secure external consumer access to high-value business services.


  • 服务规范定义外部特征维持服务使用者服务提供者之间关注事项分离

    The service specification defines only external characteristics to maintain separation of concerns between the service consumer and service provider.


  • 尽管它们本身并不实际提供服务,但服务使用者扮演重要的角色如果没有它们系统断绝了与外部世界的联系。

    Although they don't actually provide any services themselves, service consumers play a useful role as without them the system is cut off from the outside world.


  • 使用者包含组织最终用户使用应用程序外部组织客户合作伙伴)的入站接口

    The consumer layer contains the applications used by end users within an organization, or the inbound interfaces to external organizations (such as customers or partners).


  • SOA环境趋向拥有使用率可能比较核心服务(外部服务使用者企业使用者使用)。

    SOA environments tend to have a core set of services that might be highly utilized, either by external service consumers or inter-enterprise consumers.


  • 常见做法重点关注那些企业之间企业外部许多使用者使用的服务

    It is common practice to focus on services that can be leveraged by many consumers across and beyond the enterprise.


  • HSB应当服务使用者连接内部外部的服务提供者以便它们相互操作。

    An HSB should be able to interconnect service consumers to both in-house and external service providers, so that they can interoperate with one another.


  • 存储组织外部系统已被使用计划使用或计划告知服务使用者服务信息

    It stores information about services within the organization or external systems that are already used, planned to be used, or planned to be made aware to service consumers.


  • 为了争取部分使用者这些年来越来越多外部感官体验明星变成双性人。

    Over the years some broadcast ASP stars have become increasingly androgynous in an attempt to capture this segment of the audience.


  • 设备用于引起使用者注意命令计算机读出一段文字电视外部设备发出指令。

    The device can also be used to attract a minder's attention, to get a computer to read out a text or to send commands to external devices such as a TV.


  • 使用者流程(请参见1)可以很方便地转换传统视图因为他们重点参与者(最终用户外部系统)系统之间交互

    Consumer processes (see Figure 1) translate comfortably into the traditional view of a use case because they're focused on interactions between actors (end users or external systems) and the system.


  • 顾客接受产品组织个人示例消费者委托人最终使用者零售商受益者采购方。顾客可以组织内部外部的。

    Customer: organization or person that receives a product. EXAMPLE Consumer, client, end-user, retailer, beneficiary and purchaser. A customer can be internal or external to the organization.


  • 中国会计目标兼容性决定了资源委托人为主的企业外部利益关系人为中国会计信息主要使用者

    Compatibility of accounting aim makes company outside relative persons by resources collector protagonist become main users of accounting information.


  • 这些不良影响没有被运输活动供给使用者承担,社会承担其代价,属于运输业外部成本

    Since the negative impacts were paid by the whole society instead of the suppliers and users of transport activities, they belonged to the external cost of the transport industry.


  • 建筑外部空间规划与设计充分满足使用者需求

    The planning of the open spaces should satisfy the user's need well.


  • 使用者外部连结变更工作任何储存格发生

    Occurs when cells in any worksheet are changed by the user or by an external link.


  • 除了创造奇妙的室内空间以外这个屋顶考虑到了使用者外部观看效果。

    In addition to providing for a dramatic interior space, the roof also makes reference to the building's use as viewed from the outside.


  • 建筑设计者进行高层建筑设计充分考虑创造出来空间(无论是内部还是外部)给予使用者感受

    Building designers should fully consider the user's experience for the created space (whether internal or external) during the designing high-rise buildings.


  • 假设结构描述资讯可供所有存取物件模型外部对应档案使用者使用。

    Assume that schema information will be available to all who can access the object model or external mapping file.


  • 组织应当识别书面口头方式得到顾客最终使用者信息来源包括内部来源和外部来源。

    The organization should identify sources of customer and end-user information, available in written and verbal forms, from internal and external sources.


  • 外部内容类型使用者可以使用方法实体字段执行操作

    A method enables the consumers of an external content type to perform an action on the fields of an entity.


  • 话语本质来说,话语结构话语使用者以及外部环境有着不可分割关系

    Speaking from the nature of discourse, there are inextricable connections between the organization of discourse and the producer, as well as the environment.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定