California is on the Pacific rim and the Chinese market is the future for all American foodstuffs.
It's not just the Pacific Rim south of Japan that's affected - Canada has just issued a tsunami warning for the coast of British Columbia.
He is also expected to seek a reduction in trade barriers, and to build on bilateral and regional free trade agreements already in place along the Pacific Rim.
And the entire Pacific north-west is suffering far less than the "sand states" (California, Nevada and Arizona) from foreclosures and bad mortgages.
Spare megawatts from the 55 major DAMS along the Columbia River and its tributaries in the Pacific Northwest could be fed into electrolyzers, turning them into the equivalent of oil gushers.
其东北部和太平洋沿岸地区是蓝色板块。 东南部地区是大块红色板块(但共和党对这一地区的控制看来更加不稳),其他地区则是红色和蓝色混杂分布。
It has blue pockets in the Northeast and the Pacific rim, a red chunk in the Southeast (where the Republican hold looks more shaky), and patches of red and blue mixed together elsewhere.
Pidgins exist in all parts of the world, with particular prominence in the western Pacific Rim and Atlantic coastal regions and more generally in regions that have been colonized.
Pidgins exist in all parts of the world, with particular prominence in the western Pacific Rim and Atlantic coastal regions and more generally in regions that have been colonized.