Google will be able to display up to 20% of orphan works for free, include them in its subscription deals to libraries and sell them to individual buyers under the consumer licence.
The US Congress, followed by the EU, could change the rules about orphan works, and in particular about the strict liability that copyright infringement carries.
在和解协议初稿中,Google独家享有处理“孤儿作品”(译注:orphan works,孤儿作品是指享有版权但很难、甚至不能找到其版权主体的作品)以及无法找到版权主人的绝版图书的权力。
The original draft settlement would have given Google sole authority over "orphan works", or out-of-print books whose copyright holder cannot be found.
It's the latest in a long line of orphan literature. There's the English boarding school.
Many of his works, like Oliver Twist, although later published as complete novels, were originally serialised.
The great English novelist Charles Dickens used exactly the same technique. Many of his works, like Oliver Twist, although later published as complete novels, were originally serialised.
事实是,19世纪与马克思同时代的查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)和维克多·雨果(Victor Hugo)的社会批判主义作品,已经被非常成功地改编成两部载歌载舞的音乐剧——《雾度孤儿》(Oliver !)
True, the social criticism of Marx's 19th century contemporaries Charles Dickens and Victor Hugo has been transmuted into two hugely successful all-singing, all-dancing musicals - Oliver!
The growth guilder draws in various classical works of Bildungsroman mainly in Dickens' and Charlotte Bronte's about the orphans' growing up.
涌现出一本本更受欢迎的作品:《雾都孤儿》, 《尼古拉斯·尼克尔贝》,《老古玩店》等。
One popular success followed another from his ready pen -Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, The Old Curiosity Shop.
Orphan Archives is not a simple photograph work, but also a milestone in my life.
Charles Dickens is an English novelist and he is good at creating problem novel. And his novels, such as Hard Times, Domby and Son, Oliver Twist are classical works.
Charles Dickens is an English novelist and he is good at creating problem novel. And his novels, such as Hard Times, Domby and Son, Oliver Twist are classical works.