Security gateways may reside in a different security zone to the rest of the ESB and would provide connectivity to external clients.
The Secure-Accelerator Gateway completed by the Secure Gateway pattern adds data transformations and validation of XML messages.
With the increase of security requirements of Internet communications, the VPN safe gateway has been extensively applied by lots of enterprises and institutions.
The security architecture is made of a security gateway and an operating system library which tags data as it is being used by the web application.
By using a security gateway device which can translate between security mechanisms, clients and providers can choose the best security mechanisms for their local environment.
Finally, combining RADIUS authentication server efficiently, the port control of user access in wireless security gateway is analyzed.
Aiming at the secure problems during the rapid development of wireless network, this paper presents a novel integrated secure gateway for intelligent wireless networks.
The stateless nature of REST requires that a Secure Gateway assume that all client-side traffic is suspect and all back-end messages are authorized and valid.
In tunnel mode, the inner IP header carries the intended source and original destination addresses, while an outer IP header contains IP addresses for hop points such as security gateways.
This thesis discussed in detail of the process of trustful E-commerce system based on SSL protocol, and discussed the realization of safety gateway server.
But because of security gateway's logical position, it is potential bottleneck of forwarding efficiency in the process of network communication.
But because of security gateway's logical position, it is potential bottleneck of forwarding efficiency in the process of network communication.