• 10年期美国国债收益率上升因为容易兴奋投资者意识到2.5%的收益率并不是那么兴奋

    The yield on the 10-year Treasury note is rising as easily excitable investors realize that a 2.5% yield isn't all that exciting.


  • 位前英格兰职业球员帮助了容易兴奋紧张有完美主义倾向学会了“放松”,感受足球的乐趣比赛尽如人意保持乐观专注

    The former English professional player who helped high-strung, perfectionist Zack to learn to 'relax', have fun, and stay positive and focused especially when the game isn't going your way.


  • 双子座掌控神经系统因此这个星座经常容易兴奋十分敏感的。

    Gemini also rules the nerves, so natives of this sign are often excitable and high-strung.


  • 因此数据应用程序之间移动已经开始变得顺畅。除了这个好消息之外,还很兴奋看到,数据在设备之间的传输也正在变得更加容易

    So, with the good news that data is starting to move around better between applications, I'm excited to see that it's becoming much easier to transfer data between devices.


  • 懂得大自然的是什么把戏——在暗中怂恿我们采取行动以便结束那些容易令人兴奋痛苦思想

    I understand Nature's gameher prompting to take action as a way of ending any thought that threatens to excite or to pain.


  • 观看伴侣如何使用一个很棒的教材通过视觉刺激也很容易你们两人兴奋起来

    Watching your partner as they use their own hands is a great teaching tool as you both get turned on by the visual display.


  • Zamboni著作中,容易发现患者如何暂时脱离危险并且他们如何去寻找一听起来令其兴奋治疗方法

    In the case of Zamboni's work, it is easy to see how patients might be tempted to jump the gun and seek a treatment that initially sounds exciting.


  • 一个计划中容易开始时目标感到兴奋变得过于雄心勃勃……然后失败了

    With a new plan, it's easy to start getting excited about your goals, become over-ambitious... and then fail.


  • 找到一个喜欢为之兴奋的容易的。

    It's not easy to find someone you like and are excited about.


  • 成为有许多兴奋发现最后你们好不容易开始真正认识你们的时候。

    It is to be a journey of much excitement and discovery, when at long last you come to the true realisation of who you are.


  • 疲惫身躯清醒头脑不是容易的一件事,力量充满活力兴奋带领大家欢乐

    Dragging my weary body and half asleep mind, it was no easy feat, I prayed to God for strength that I could be full of life and excitement to lead everyone to rejoice together!


  • 神经衰弱属于心理疾病一种一类精神容易兴奋脑力容易疲乏常有情绪烦恼心理生理症状神经症性障碍。

    Neurasthenia is a kind of mental illness, is a kind of mental easily excited and mental fatigue easily, often emotional troubles and physical symptoms of psychological disorder neurosis.


  • 新的生活前景似乎是如此令人兴奋过去熟悉面孔,对熟悉的日常生活再见并不容易

    Exciting gas the prospect of a new life seemed, it wasn't easy saying goodbye to the old one, the familiar faces, the familiar routine.


  • 就要客户角度来思考了,容易记住朗朗上口祥瑞兴奋名字不错选择

    This will be in the customer's perspective, catchy, easy to remember, happy auspicious name is a good choice!


  • 是个快乐家伙生活美妙深有体会容易兴奋激动

    He was a happy soul, deeply receptive to life's beauties and easily excited.


  • 商店充斥着情人节卡片节日标号广告时我们做梦时也梦见一颗颗红心的时候,容易不自觉感到浪漫兴奋

    As the stores inundate us with CARDS, tokens, and advertisements, and we begin to dream of red hearts as we sleep, it's easy to feel a sense of obligation to join the romantic hysteria.


  • 喝醉极度兴奋时候,要格外小心。这种时候你容易疏忽。

    Be extra careful when you're drunk or 'high'. You are more likely to be careless in these situations.


  • 可能容易控制不同情况下,它需要成为一个伟大的深度兴奋

    It might be easy to control but with diverse situations, it takes you into a great depth of excitement.


  • 写作非常令人兴奋产品内容,写作清楚的,这样可以容易了解高效的产品,非常好的意见

    Writing very exciting, put the contents of products Writing is very clear, so that I can more easily understand the more efficient products, very good comments.


  • 我们这种情况下反复证明自己时候开始变得容易兴奋同时保持放松

    As we prove ourselves during these situations, time after time, it begins much easier to become "pumped up" yet stay relaxed at the same time.


  • 结果指出积极情绪一种高度激活的情绪,例如兴奋恐惧,在刺激物相对短期显露容易被识别

    Results indicated that a positive emotion and a highly activated emotion such as surprise and fear were easily recognized under a relatively brief exposure to the stimuli.


  • 睡前不要咖啡喝酒可口可乐巧克力等含有兴奋的咖啡因类东西吃了这些东西容易使感到兴奋会使人很难入睡

    Do not drink coffee before going to bed, drink, Coca-Cola and chocolate contain caffeine and exciting things like, eat it will make people excited people are likely to be difficult to sleep.


  • 懂得大自然的是什么把戏——在暗中怂恿我们采取行动以便结束那些容易令人兴奋痛苦思想

    I understand Nature's game - her prompting to take action as a way of ending any thought that threatens to excite or to pain.


  • 懂得大自然的是什么把戏——在暗中怂恿我们采取行动以便结束那些容易令人兴奋痛苦思想

    I understand Nature's game - her prompting to take action as a way of ending any thought that threatens to excite or to pain.


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