He excites himself very easily and nothing must be said to irritate him.
"I know these are tide times," she added, "but everyone agrees on the importance of safeguarding our employees and members of the public who come into the building."
He secretly looks down on more excitable nations, and likes to think of himself as more reliable than they.
Also people who are easily excited and have a difficult time maintaining the exact same sound every time are people who should use clickers.
He secretly looks down on more excitable nations. and likes to think of himself as more reliable than they are.
In July Michele Bachmann, a shrill congresswoman, had a moment of ascendancy.
Very excitable cats are completely calmed and formerly abused or feral cats tend to respond the best.
聪明但容易激动的Mc Williams先生轻易地就将政策宣传变成了大众经济学与社评。
The clever but excitable Mr McWilliams shifts easily from policy advocacy to popular economics and social commentary.
The Europeans, to them, are those rather excitable foreigners from the other side of the English Channel, who have never learnt how to speak English.
Let your conversation be without malice or envy, for 'tis a sign of a tractable and commendable nature, and in all causes of passion admit reason to govern.
Although both fans and players of American ice hockey in particular tend to have short tempers, fistfights, brawls and riots are definitely not expected in US stadiums.
Of course, it's always fun and inspiring to dream, but try breaking your ultimate goal up into more manageable, realistic goals that could lead you to it.
诚然,生活在一个即时沟通、永不离线的世界让人激动不已,但是,我们不得不承认,互联网信息之间的关联性越来越强。 现在,在网上跟踪一个人或者一个品牌变得越来越容易。
While it's exciting to live in an ever connected and always on world, the flip side that we have to accept is that we also live in a world where information is becoming increasingly interlinked.
She said she's still enthused about last year's event in which she was part of a team that designed a tool enabling disaster victims to report their losses more easily and ask for help.
The second very exciting thing is that it's a synthetic peptide, which makes it much easier to put into use.
This is an interesting world summit alright but perhaps for more reasons than the excitable and breathless media coverage may appreciate.
"Housewife" recalls too strongly the wasp-waisted 1950s figure outwardly thrilling to the latest advances in domestic technology while necking tranquillisers to dull the pain of frustrated ambition.
Five years ago, Ms. Wen said, it became obvious that her husband was the one who needed treatment.
It's true that women love excitement, especially in a new relationship, and there is no better way to keep that excitement alive than being slightly secretive.
He was a happy soul, deeply receptive to life's beauties and easily excited.