• 成为一个非常

    You're going to be a very rich man.


  • 他们开出一个铁矿

    They struck a rich seam of iron ore.


  • 只得接受我们永远也起来这个事实

    You just have to accept the fact that we're never going to be rich.


  • 的的确确了。

    He has become mega rich.


  • 早就了。

    He was already rich.


  • 联合国世界粮食计划署证实工作人员达尔北部遭到绑架。

    The U. N. World Food Programme confirmed the abduction of eight of its workers in northern Darfur.


  • 一旦就把所有老朋友了。

    As soon as she became rich, she cast aside all her old friends.


  • 并没有

    I grew not rich.


  • 这种基质体内不同位置不同性质基本上一种高度水合凝胶

    That matrix has properties that vary in different locations in the body, but basically it's a highly hydrated or water-rich gel.


  • 这样论据有道理的,然而对于理解玛雅地区其他地区用水控制的社会政治影响来说,就没那么有用了。

    Such an argument is plausible, however, it is less useful for understanding the sociopolitical implications of water use and control in other, water-rich parts of the Maya region.


  • 大学评议会投票免职了。

    The student senate voted to remove Fuller from office.


  • 战后时期工人阶级期。

    The postwar era was one of new affluence for the working class.


  • 许多教师愿意更加进取创造性

    Many teachers would like to be more adventurous and creative.


  • 授予国家最高英勇奖章

    Dufour was awarded his country's highest medal for bravery.


  • 什么使大众同情心地听诉说呢?

    What would cause the masses to give him a far more sympathetic ear?


  • 人们尔西曾吹嘘参与杀人。

    Witnesses said Furci boasted that he took part in killing them.


  • 付钱吧

    Let her payshe's loaded.


  • 他们我们多。

    They are much better off than us.


  • 彼得·自然历史博物馆化石负责人

    Peter Forey is curator of fossil fishes at the Natural History Museum.


  • 涵理性。

    His poetry is very cerebral.


  • 汽车先生这辆车里的一名乘客

    Mr. Fullemann was a passenger in the car when it crashed.


  • 我们需要一位年力强、魅力十足、风度翩翩的人。

    We need someone with youth, glamour and pizzazz.


  • 保罗·塞尔新书发泄了自己国家所有不满。

    Paul Fussell's latest book vents his spleen against everything he hates about his country.


  • 此时埃弗里特,马克·尔默忙着筹资帮助项目启动。

    Meanwhile, back in Everett, Marc Fulmer is busy raising money to help get the project off the ground.


  • 美国职业安全与健康管理局必须尽可能有效地面向资源

    Fuller says OSHA must target its resources as effectively as possible.


  • 虽然承受压力一定相当大的,但保持冷面幽默

    Though the pressure Fulton is under must be considerable, he has retained his dry humour.


  • 统的红包通常饰有金色的汉字,比如福和

    Traditional red pockets are often decorated with gold Chinese characters, such as happiness and wealth.


  • 卖掉了一些山羊后了起来。

    He sold some goats and became rich.


  • 领导中华民族站起来、起来、强起来。

    It has led the Chinese nation to stand up, become prosperous and grow strong.


  • 开展劳动教育,必须以树立正确的世界观和价值观,以及培养做家务的兴趣为目的。”教育部副部长郑芝如是说。

    "Labor education must be carried out with the aim to develop the view of the world life and values and develop an interest in doing chores." said Zheng Fuzhi a Vice-Minister of Education.


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