• 欧洲对外政策美国紧密相扣

    Europe's foreign policy is inextricably linked with that of the US.


  • 许多觉得干预

    Many people felt he would be hostile to the idea of foreign intervention.


  • 伊朗对外世界而言依然是个谜。

    Iran remains an enigma for the outside world.


  • 克里姆林宫对外政策的看法上严重分歧

    The Kremlin is deeply split in its approach to foreign policy.


  • 他们对外擅自干预他们事务怨恨不已。

    They're resentful that outsiders presume to meddle in their affairs.


  • 需求降低了当地货币实际价值

    The demand for foreign currency depreciates the real value of local currencies.


  • 英国警方银行账户没有司法管辖权。

    The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts.


  • 国人不信任可能逐渐演变种族主义

    Distrust of foreigners can shade into racism.


  • 此次巡游旨在唤起我们文化兴趣理解

    The aim of the cruise was to awaken an interest in and an understanding of foreign cultures.


  • 总统指责没能清楚地表述事务总体设想

    The president has been accused of failing to articulate an overall vision in foreign affairs.


  • 整个周末右翼分子国人袭击最终发展成为骚乱

    The unrest capped a weekend of right-wing attacks on foreigners.


  • 美元疲软意味着美国产品顾客来说相对便宜的。

    The weak dollar means American goods are relative bargains for foreigners.


  • 农场主一直在寻求更高价格来作为竞争更好保护

    The farmers have been seeking higher prices as better protection from foreign competition.


  • 对外贸易正在繁荣。

    It is flourishing in foreign trade.


  • 港口船只开放

    The harbour is open to foreign ships.


  • 即使美国国内,我们很少游客需求做出让步

    Even here in the United States, we make few concessions to the needs of foreign visitors.


  • 转向玉米乙醇有助于美国经济因为使美国减少石油依赖

    Making the switch to corn ethanol will help the American economy because it will make the United States less dependent on foreign oil.


  • 许多欧洲人可能美国看作是一个傲慢的、国人充满敌意超级大国

    Many Europeans may view the U.S. as an arrogant superpower that has become hostile to foreigners.


  • 福利体系对外援助联邦预算联邦储备银行政策受到商业极大影响。

    Welfare, foreign aid, the federal budget, and the policies of the Federal Reserve Bank are all heavily affected by the business.


  • 福利体系对外援助联邦预算联邦储备银行政策受到商业极大影响。

    Welfare, foreign aid, the federal budget, and the policies of the Federal Reserve Bank are all heavily affected by business.


  • 因此生活在国外学生通常生活国内的学生对外世界更好透彻了解

    Consequently, students living abroad usually have a better and more thorough understanding of the outside world than those who stay at home.


  • 他们的房舍随时对外开放参观。

    It's always open house at their place.


  • 他们正在宣传反对外来移民的政纲。

    They are campaigning on an anti-immigration platform.


  • 今天上午上诉对外公开的。

    This morning's appeal was held in camera.


  • 当地人来客人十分友好热情。

    The local people are very hospitable to strangers.


  • 对外行而言,这个系统似乎过于复杂

    To the uninitiated the system seems too complicated.


  • 政府宣布停止对外援助

    The government announced a cut-off in overseas aid.


  • 这个消息没有对外公开

    This information is not publicly available.


  • 所住宅对外开放

    The house is not open to the public.


  • 所住宅对外开放

    The house is not open to the public.


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