But his mother had a way of keeping him grounded when he dreamed of things like being a jazz trumpeter.
I hope that Trumpeter does an early war version of this ship as well.
Louis Armstrong was the first important cornet player to appear in jazz.
Early jazz was centered in New Orleans and had trumpeter Louis Armstrong as its first great soloist.
Beijing pop group needs a trumpet player. Chinese and foreigners welcome! Please check-out our Douban at bottom.
Trumpeter Buddy Bolden is credited with bringing a loose, raw approach to instrumental jazz with his loud tone and emphasis on improvisation.
The curved profile, eyes and sweat droplets are exaggerated in repetitive globular shape with wrinkles that outline the inflating anticipation before the trumpet is blown.
The marching band, in which he plays trumpet, has an affinity for the "unconventional" and was looking for a forum to do something unusual, he says.
电影的另一败笔出自马克斯(Max,普鲁特·泰勒·文斯饰演)沉闷无趣的叙述。 马克斯是一个爵士乐小号手,他用1900的故事打动了一名二手乐器商贩。
Weighing down the movie is a ponderous narration by Max (Pruitt Taylor Vince), a jazz trumpeter, who entrances a dealer of used musical instruments with the story of Nineteen Hundred.
He heard Louis Armstrong and Joe "King" Oliver on their famous Chicago residency that year, but he also loved the sound of the first great white jazz soloist – the cornetist Bix Beiderbecke.
他的乐队中于是出现了受金·奥利佛影响的布鲁斯小号手詹姆斯·“巴伯”·米雷(James "Bubber"Miley),以及稍后加入的高音萨克斯天才西德尼·贝切(SidneyBechet)。
He brought in the bluesy, King Oliver-influenced trumpeter James "Bubber" Miley, and, for a short while, the soprano-sax genius Sidney Bechet.
他的乐队中于是出现了受金·奥利佛影响的布鲁斯小号手詹姆斯·“巴伯”·米雷(James "Bubber"Miley),以及稍后加入的高音萨克斯天才西德尼·贝切(SidneyBechet)。
He brought in the bluesy, King Oliver-influenced trumpeter James "Bubber" Miley, and, for a short while, the soprano-sax genius Sidney Bechet.