This temperature was later referred to as the 'Curie temperature'.
A new method for determining Curie point of ferromagnetic minerals is introduced in this article.
The transitional phase appeared when two ferroelectric powders with different Curie point were mixed and sintered together.
When the ball falls, the timing can be started; when the ball reaches the curie point, the magnetic iron can be absorbed and the timing can be stopped.
Lead scandium tantalate ceramics exhibit excellent dielectric, piezoelectric, and ferroelectric properties, but need rather higher sintering temperature and possess lower Curie temperature.
The formula of wax and PTC heating plates at different Curie points are the main factors influencing the enriching valve lift.
An easier method of measuring Curre Points of ferromagnetic materials has been presented through an experiment. Its principle is to observe the disappearance of the magnetic hysteresis loop.
Magnetic properties indicate the transition from ferromagnetic to paramagnetic near the Curie point, and exhibit the typical cluster glass characterization.
一般情况下延长预热时间应选用阻值较低、居里点较高、体积较大的PT C热敏电阻器。
Generally speaking, to delay the preheating time, we should select the relatively lower resistance, taller TC point and bigger PTC Thermistor.
A method of measuring the Curie temperature of ferromagnetic substance by oscilloscope is presented in this paper, showing vividly that the magnetic of ferromagnetic substance varies with temperature.
一种高居里点铌酸钾钠锂系无铅压电陶瓷及其制备工艺,涉及一种性能优良的无铅压 电陶瓷组合物的配方及制备工艺。
The present invention relates to lead-less piezoelectric ceramic composition and is especially one kind of lead-less Li-Na-K niobate piezoelectric ceramic and its preparation process.
一种高居里点铌酸钾钠锂系无铅压电陶瓷及其制备工艺,涉及一种性能优良的无铅压 电陶瓷组合物的配方及制备工艺。
The present invention relates to lead-less piezoelectric ceramic composition and is especially one kind of lead-less Li-Na-K niobate piezoelectric ceramic and its preparation process.