Its flat roof is broken only by the shallow dome of a planetarium beneath.
The walls and flat roofs were constructed using structurally insulated panels, or SIPs.
A series of flat roofs provides an upper terrace and platforms for the solar PV panel system.
Square or rectangular mud brick buildings with flat roofs and high walls was the norm.
本实用新 型可以在平屋顶或斜屋顶上使用,安装方便。
The green energy-saving environmental protection solar room can be used on a flat roof or inclined roof and is convenient in mounting.
For the ground floor, the flat concrete roof has a layer of gravel to prevent heat from entering the building.
The main advantages of flat roofs are that they are comparatively simple to construct and generally less costly than pitched roofs.
Topped with a large, flat roof, the rectilinear dwelling has an upper level that cantilevers over the ground floor.
The horizontal line is broken at the midpoint, where a stack of Cor-Ten steel rises above the flat roof like a metaphoric mountain peak.
The buildings look like boxes with flat roofs, sharp corners and glass walls.
The architects conceived a series of intersecting, cedar-clad boxes, with flat roofs landscaped with succulents.
Rectangular in plan, the two-storey building features a flat roof, corrugated metal walls and a timber frame.
On the other hand, reinforced concrete roofs, suitably covered, are often constructed nowadays, especially where there is a risk of fire.
A unique flat vegetal roof covers both houses and is projected to the north and south in two large porches.
FIG. 9 illustrates a simple flat roof, consisting of timber bearers covered with timber boarding and finished with several layers of tar felt.
Although termed flat roofs, they are often constructed with a slight fall to enable the rainwater to run off.
A small ladder takes visitors to his wife's greenhouse and a hot tub, a deck, a composting toilet and the future guest room.
The house appears as a bar, with exterior walls clad in Western red cedar and a flat roof with deep eaves.
An outside staircase, placed on a partly demolished oriel, leads up to the top of the new flat roof, where a new terrace is created from timber flooring.
Edges of the tilted flat roof extend beyond the building's footprint, and Windows in the ceiling cast light onto the striated walls inside.
Flat roofs may either be dead level or (preferably) have some degree of pitch to them so that rainwater and melted snow can drain away.
"They're like children with toys," Abrahim said, pointing out to the desert from the roof of the boarding house, where they were standing.
Flat roofs are framed in essentially the same way AS wood floors. a number of ceiling (or roof) joists run from one wall to the opposite wall.
Forfeiting a large proportion of their own garden, the studio boasts a large skylight in its flat roof and a sliding glass door that make the most of views of the adjacent greenery.
The support must stand against the wind and the sun. Thereof, it must be anti-corrosion and fixed installation.
The rainwater seepage question on the flat roof of building construction has been perplexing project for builder and house user. The main position of its seepage lies in lashing.
They came into more widespread use in the 19th century, when new waterproof roofing materials and the use of structural steel and concrete made them more practical.
They came into more widespread use in the 19th century, when new waterproof roofing materials and the use of structural steel and concrete made them more practical.