• 当地人要求警方逮捕那些恶棍。

    Local people demanded that the police apprehend the miscreants.


  • 当地人齐心协力打击毒品贩子

    Local people banded together to fight the drug dealers.


  • 指责当地人企图败坏名誉

    He has accused local people of trying to besmirch his reputation.


  • 一些当地人难民提供食物衣服

    Some locals offered food and clothing to the refugees.


  • 主教几百当地人布道。

    The bishop preached to a crowd of several hundred local people.


  • 游客当地人之间区别一望即知。

    You can always tell the difference between the tourists and the natives.


  • 当地人看法不一定媒体一致。

    Local feeling does not necessarily concur with the press.


  • 当地人外来客人十分友好热情。

    The local people are very hospitable to strangers.


  • 他们禁止当地人通婚

    They were not forbidden to intermarry with the local people.


  • 九百三十多位当地人注册患有辐射

    More than 930 local people are registered as suffering from radiation sickness.


  • 当地人视为外地人

    I have always been regarded as a foreigner by the local folk.


  • 这块当地人用来放牧

    The land is used by local people to graze their animals.


  • 当地人小麦换取工具

    The local people bartered wheat for tools.


  • 我们当地人上岸

    We were helped ashore by local people.


  • 如今村庄房价太高当地人根本买不起

    Houses in the village are now too pricey for local people to afford.


  • 当地人深感不安。

    Local people are gravely concerned.


  • 城市生活镜头访问当地人的画面相互交切。

    Scenes of city life were intercut with interviews with local people.


  • 我们雇了一名当地人做向导带领我们翻山越岭

    We hired a local guide to get us across the mountains.


  • 他们伐木工正在破坏雨林,无视当地人权利

    They say loggers are destroying rain forests and trampling on the rights of natives.


  • 许多当地人试图阻拦装有原木卡车逮捕了。

    A number of local people have been arrested for trying to obstruct trucks loaded with logs.


  • 当地人热情好客。

    The locals are hospitable and welcoming.


  • 当地人友好

    The locals are very friendly.


  • 当地人鼓励捕捉器捕杀老鼠阻止病毒传播

    The locals were encouraged to trap and kill mice to stop the spread of the virus.


  • 那些法庭上受到惩罚的惯犯受到了当地人处置

    Persistent criminals who have gone unpunished by the courts have been dealt with by local people.


  • 警方呼吁目击者出来作证,看来当地人三缄其口

    Police have appealed for witnesses, but it seems the locals are keeping shtum.


  • 为了使平淡口味有味道当地人开始加些土特产来调味

    To make the bland taste more interesting, the locals began perking it up with local produce.


  • 但是记忆力好的当地人认为1961年起不公正事件合理报复

    But locals with long memories thought this was fair revenge for the injustice of 1961.


  • 让人存疑的特德——即使法语说得很流利——能否被人当作当地人

    It is doubtful whether Ted, even with his fluent French, passed for one of the locals.


  • 他们其中的一个人登上小讲台开始当地人为什么同性恋应该允许征召入伍。

    One of them climbed aboard a soapbox and began informing the locals why gays should be allowed in the military.


  • 当地人殷勤好客闻名。

    The natives are noted for their hospitality.


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