• 教室所有其他孩子都是中国人

    All the other children in the class are Chinese.


  • 大厅所有其他孩子参加合唱

    All the other children in the hall took up the chorus.


  • 所有其他孩子教室

    All other children are in the classroom.


  • 所有其他孩子

    All of the other children.


  • 学校里所有其他孩子都会在要交作业前夕变得抓狂

    In school, all the other kids who hadn't started their assignments would freak out the night before it was due.


  • 媒体可以描述事物,并且它所有其他孩子受到一定影响。

    New media can be described as the new kid on the block, which puts all the other kids out of business.


  • 看来更突出了小学教育、不是学前教育质量问题这表明要想取得长期成功必须将学前教育和其他所有与教育孩子有关的问题联系起来。

    It seems to me this highlights quality issues in elementary schools more than pre-K, and indicates longer-term success must connect pre-K with all the other issues related to educating a child.


  • 大约学校其他机构开始很有兴趣确保所有孩子无论他们的背景如何,能得到公平对待时候智力测试变得不受欢迎了

    About the time that schools and others quite reasonably became interested in seeing to it that all children, whatever their background, were fairly treated, intelligence testing became unpopular.


  • 孩子通常要向其他包括他们父母发泄攻击性的冲动因为即使是细心的父母也不能立即满足他们所有的要求。

    Children normally desire to vent aggressive impulses on other people, including their parents, because even the most attentive parents cannot gratify all of their demands immediately.


  • 在阅读到junctions、currying以及Perl6将要具备的所有其他特性时,感觉就像是孩子走进了糖果

    I felt like a kid in a candy store reading about junctions, currying, and all the other exciting features that Perl 6 promises.


  • 拥有最纯洁灵魂,他通慈爱本质最为纯粹力量,深深地撼动和影响了其他所有的人:在威灵顿大学授予女皇殿下一年一度奖项,他这样描述获得这个荣耀的条件:不是最聪明的孩子,而是最好读书的孩子

    sheer force of his own benevolent nature--when drawing up the conditions of the annual prize to be given by Her Majesty at Wellington College


  • 我们孩子那里家里所有其他也都在那里。

    Our kids are over there, all the rest of the family are there.


  • 必须告诫人们是:地球不仅他们家园也是他们的孩子所有后代家园,还是其他所有植物动物的家园。

    People must be taught to appreciate Earth as not only their home, but also the home of our children and grandchildren, as well as all other plants and animals.


  • 不过尽管封信出自神童之手其他所有夏令营家信一样,家的孩子用来引起注意的一声喊叫

    But though it's the work of a prodigy, it's also, like all camp letters, a homesick cry for attention.


  • 我们辛苦工作为的是孩子学校东西来支持筹款因为其他所有人都是这么做的。

    We break our backs to sell things for the fundraisers at our kids' schools just because everybody else does.


  • 如果孩子发现他们祖辈们的语言不够酷,那么语言学家们除了将该语言作为古董保存起来外,其他所有善意外界帮助通常徒劳的。

    If the kids find their grandparents' language uncool, all of the well-intentioned outside help by linguists is usually in vain, except for preserving the language as a museum-piece.


  • 所有这些背后之意在于担心那些父母能力子女送到私立学校就读孩子学习英语使用电脑最终取得事业成功其他孩子在了后面

    Underlying all this is the fear that children whose parents can afford to send them to private schools will learn English, work with computers and prosper, while the rest will get left behind.


  • 美国心理协会以及其他组织呼吁清除市场所有孩子售出的食品,罗宾逊提出的这个观点合理的。

    The American Psychological Association and other organizations have likewise called for the elimination of all marketing of food products to children, a stance that Robinson says is reasonable.


  • 陶醉获得的自由中,几乎所有空闲时间在外面镇子孩子玩耍并且很快就成了小头头儿。

    He reveled in his newfound freedom, spending nearly all his free time playing outdoors with the other boys in town and soon becoming a leader.


  • 虽然不是所有夫妻都会平摊家庭负担但是那些共同分担夫妻却比其他夫妻更加幸福而且培养孩子时会更加得心应手有效

    Not many couples truly share the load equally, but where it does feel shared, the husband and wife are happier as a couple and their parenting is more effective and nurturing.


  • 并且相反是,认为孩子父亲体贴女性更好处理所有其他怀孕压力产假不定期工作时间低收入经常搬家等

    And, conversely, women who felt that the father was supportive were better able to deal with all the other stresses of pregnancy: maternity leave, irregular working hours, low income, frequent moving.


  • 最早报告中研究人员结合所有目前关于问题研究发现每周至少家人共餐孩子超重几率其他孩子小12%。

    In the first report to combine all existing studies on the issue, they found kids who eat with their parents at least three times a week had 12 percent lower odds of being overweight.


  • 我们希望其他城市效仿高阳市的做法,那样那些孩子家庭来说,所有基于人口的自闭症儿童鉴定可以兼有干预服务了。

    We hope that others will follow Goyang City's example so that any population-based identification of children with ASD is accompanied by intervention services for those children and their families.


  • 该托儿所的所有人保拉•帕里托(PaulaPolito)表示通过运用更多眼神接触赞美鼓励,给这个孩子分配诸如其他开门日常工作”,最终平静了下来

    Using more eye contact, praise and encouragement, and giving the child regular 'jobs' such as holding the door for others, helped him settle down, she says.


  • 那么任何金玉良言要说吗?所有其他正试学习如何脚踏车孩子怎么样

    Well, you've got any words of wisdom? What about for all the other kids trying to learn how to ride a bike?


  • 孩子未来认为-对于世界上其他所有新的儿童成长研究。

    The future for my children is all I think of - and that for all the other children growing up in the new world.


  • 研究人员指出并不是每种技巧适用所有孩子一些家长会找到适合自己孩子其他创意解决方案。

    Researchers noted that not every technique is effective for every child. Some parents find other creative solutions that work for their kids.


  • 研究人员指出并不是每种技巧适用所有孩子一些家长会找到适合自己孩子其他创意解决方案。

    Researchers noted that not every technique is effective for every child. Some parents find other creative solutions that work for their kids.


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