• 所以他们正在做的建立一个根基-他们称“基本的服务”。 、现在虽然不赚钱,但是他们打算用它赚钱。

    So what they are doing now is building a foundation - "foundational services" he called it - which are not making money now, but "we intend to make money".


  • 对于框架来说,我们打算本地远程服务提供商之间增加数据同步支持因为目前应用开发者必须自己解决问题。

    For the framework, we plan to add support for data synchronization between local and remote service providers, since this is currently something that the application developer must do themselves.


  • 一项需要基本决定—你打算自己产品服务怎样的价格。

    One of the most basic decisions you have to make is how much you're going to charge for your product or service.


  • 提供了指向业务需求链接并且显示我们打算指定执行每一个服务接口业务相关性。

    This provides a formal link back to the business requirements and shows the business relevance of each of the services interfaces that we are intending to specify and implement.


  • 虚构URL因此下面应用程序示例只是演示一项技术并不打算产生一个可以运行CICS服务

    This is a fictitious URL, so the sample application below demonstrates a technique and is not intended to produce a working CICS service.


  • 打算未来的年中这个博客添加更多额外服务

    I'm also planning to add some additional services to this site in the years ahead.


  • 微软只是希望能软件授权中获取利润打算能够通过手机推销其他服务

    Microsoft hopes not only to profit from selling licences for its software but also to push its other services via the phones.


  • 例中我们仅仅使用磁盘但是如果打算服务上安装不止一个磁盘,就要确保服务器上磁盘数目相同

    In this case, we only used one disk, but if you are going to have more than one disk per server, make sure that you have the same amount of disks on each server.


  • 比如如果打算一家区域性服务公司了解这个区域是不是足够人口支撑百万元级别的销售额

    If it's a territory-based service business, for example, you need to know that the territory has sufficient population to support a multimillion-dollar volume of sales.


  • 实际上强烈建议如果打算服务使用WEKA那么就不要怕时间因为这种方式处理数据很繁琐的。

    In fact, I highly recommend if you get involved in using WEKA on your server, you spend some time doing that, since working with data in this way is tedious.


  • 我们打算使用客户驱动服务

    We won't use a client to drive this server.


  • 并不打算提供可用于服务规范粒度而是提供考虑信息高级视图

    It is not intended to be granular enough in perspective for service specification, but rather to provide a high-level view of the information universe under consideration.


  • 就像在服务存储器那些戴尔低端入手的其他市场那样,戴尔打算低价和薄利来冲击现有的技术服务市场。

    As with other markets it has attacked from below, such as servers and storage, Dell plans to undercut the incumbents with lower prices and thinner margins.


  • 未来我们打算不同服务线程组合一个单独的工作管理基础设施用于均衡负载。

    In the future, we plan to combine the thread pools from different services together into a single work-management infrastructure that can be used to balance between these different workloads.


  • 甚至表态是否因为这项服务打算收取额外的费用

    It won't even say whether it intends to charge extra for this service. "That is to be determined," a spokesman said.


  • 劳动局开始失业人员提供免费就业服务培训课程,向打算自主创业给予资金援助。

    The bureau also started providing free job services and training courses for the unemployed, and financial assistance for those who want to start their own businesses.


  • 如果打算使用JSONP服务了解造成威胁非常重要

    If you are going to use JSONP services, it's very important to be aware of the threats it poses.


  • 有些情况下并不打算重用流氓服务注册使用

    In some cases, rogue services are being created or reused in the registry that weren't intended for reuse.


  • 小企业托管知之甚少,59%小企业没有使用云托管服务打算

    Small businesses, on the other hand, were ill-informed, and 59% of those surveyed had no plans to use the cloud at all.


  • 首先公司打算用户完善更具个性化服务

    First, the company plans to help provide improved and tailored services to both its large agency customers and its smaller business customers.


  • 具体地说WS-I打算开发所说互操作Web服务概要文件(profile)。

    More specifically, WS-I intends to develop what it refers to as profiles of interoperable web services.


  • 即使没达到这些标准家公司还是打算明年推出3d产品服务

    Even without such standards, several firms plan to launch 3-d products and services next year anyway.


  • 即使决定了发现方法名称,但是客户机应用程序需要提前了解打算传递Web服务数据种类

    Even if you decided to discover the name of the method, your client application needs some prior knowledge of the kind of data you are going to pass to the web service.


  • 例如如果安装portlet服务本身并且打算使用JAR文件这个JAR文件必须J VM类路径中注册

    For example, if you want to install the portlet service itself, and you plan to use a JAR file, the JAR must be registered within the classpath of the JVM.


  • 陆军打算c - 27 J代替C - 23 Sherpa机队服务

    In the Army, the C-27J was intended to replace the service's fleet of C-23 Sherpa aircraft.


  • 因此确保使用的 WebLogic服务配置打算使用的那个。

    Therefore, be sure the WebLogic server configuration you use is the right one for your purposes.


  • 甚至苹果公司都测试Facebook设计,因为苹果公司打算推出自己iCloud服务

    Even Apple, which recently launched its iCloud service, is testing servers based on Facebook's designs.


  • Marrison接着补充道:“我们主要听听他们目前能提供什么样服务以及打算如何扩大资讯采集业务

    Mainly, we’re going to listen to what it is they have to offer, and what their plans are for expanding their news-gathering operation, ” Mr. Marrison added.


  • Marrison接着补充道:“我们主要听听他们目前能提供什么样服务以及打算如何扩大资讯采集业务

    Mainly, we’re going to listen to what it is they have to offer, and what their plans are for expanding their news-gathering operation, ” Mr. Marrison added.


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