However, losses slowed considerably in the second half in both the wholesale and consumer divisions.
Paradoxically, we could eventually see a situation where wholesale banks give advice for free in return for getting a flow of customers.
The two banks have five working groups discussing risk management, leasing, wholesale banking, asset management and rural financing.
All business segments contributed to earnings with Community Banking up 21 percent and Wholesale Banking up 18 percent from prior quarter.
CMB University is in the progress of establishing Leadership Development College (Business Faculty), Retail Banking College, Wholesale Banking College, and Credit Risk College etc.
A recent report on the future of wholesale banking from Morgan Stanley and Oliver Wyman reckons that bid-offer spreads have increased by anything from 50% to 300%.
The commission, chaired by Sir John Vickers, suggests splitting the country’s banks into two parts, dividing their retail- and commercial-banking bits from the racier investment and wholesale sorts.
WestLB, the shakiest of Germany's state-owned wholesale Banks, or Landesbanken, prominently displays an "overview" of the bank's many "protection mechanisms" on its site.
IKB may be a special case, but many German Banks, particularly the wholesale Landesbanks, have been tempted to diversify into CDOs, though they deny much subprime exposure.
But when Commerzbank sought to buy Landesbank Berlin, the capital's wholesale bank, earlier this year, it was outbid by the savings Banks association.
摩根·斯坦利的Huwvan Steenis认为,较高的资本要求(尤其是对交易业务),可能导致批发银行的风险加权资产平均而言上升五分之一。
Higher charges, especially for trading, could cause global wholesale Banks' risk-weighted assets to balloon by one-fifth on average, reckons Huw van Steenis of Morgan Stanley.
Only the strongest banks have access to wholesale markets, and at high cost.
In truth, Banks need to have a diverse set of funding sources and maturities, whether wholesale or retail.
Stronger banks and cajashave also been able to borrow from the wholesale markets, even if only at highrates and, in some cases, using state guarantees.
European supervisors want Banks to have enough cash to survive a month-long freeze of wholesale markets.
Credit, which was used to finance the purchase of about half of all new cars, disappeared almost instantly because Russian Banks were unusually dependent on shuttered wholesale markets.
The emergence of Asian middle classes means even banks traditionally focused on wholesale services are beefing up.
So does the sovereign-debt crisis: banks are paying over the odds to borrow in wholesale markets because of worries about the effect of debt restructuring and Italy’s own creditworthiness.
So does the sovereign-debt crisis: banks are paying over the odds to borrow in wholesale markets because of worries about the effect of debt restructuring and Italy's own creditworthiness.
Other Banks, notably in Spain, Iceland and Scandinavia, are even more dependent on the wholesale markets.
Worries about how HBOS, a British bank, would roll over its wholesale obligations forced it into the arms of Lloyds TSB on September 17th.
尽管油价走低,批发价格通胀指数已升至6%,已超过印度储备银行(the Reserve Bank of India)所设的5.5%的上限。
Despite lower oil prices, wholesale-price inflation has risen to 6%, which is above the 5.5% upper limit set by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
In the case of unlisted entities, or those with a high dependence on wholesale funding, the target will be as high as 10%.
The outcome was frighteningly similar to a bank run, but one that affected the entire wholesale money market.
And in another similarity, the European Banks are heavily reliant on short-term market funding, from sources such as the U.S. money funds that are among the biggest wholesale lenders on the planet.
And in another similarity, the European Banks are heavily reliant on short-term market funding, from sources such as the U.S. money funds that are among the biggest wholesale lenders on the planet.