• 拆开信封抽出信来

    He slit open the envelope and took out the letter.


  • 桌子上还未被拆开

    The letter lay unopened on the table.


  • 我们只好桌子拆开到楼上再组装起来。

    We had to take the table apart and reassemble it upstairs.


  • 必要拆开封信—我知道里面些什么

    I had no need to open the letter—I knew what it would say.


  • 一块一块砖地拆开重新它砌好。

    He took it apart brick by brick, and put it back together again.


  • 拆开邮件了没有

    Have you opened your post yet?


  • 拆开起来。

    He opened the letter and read it.


  • 拆开封信。

    I opened the letter.


  • 停了之后拆开找出了问题然后全部好了。

    When the clock stopped he took it apart, found what was wrong, and put the whole thing together again.


  • 如果大大提高这辆车的性能,我就拆开重新组装。

    If I wanted to improve the car significantly I would have to pull it apart and start again.


  • 施乐公司展开一项逆向工程他们日本机器拆开调查了日本的工厂清楚他们怎么生产出了如此了不起的产品。

    Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.


  • 快速拆开来看。

    He quickly opened it.


  • 我们必须卡车拆开然后它们重新组装起来,渡轮慢得多也贵多。

    We'd have to take the big trucks apart and then put them back together again, slower than a ferry and a lot more expensive.


  • 发动机拆开又再仔细好。

    She took the engine to bits, then carefully put it together again.


  • 迅速拆开包裹,往里瞥了一眼。

    I quickly untied the package and peeped inside.


  • 发动机拆开修理

    I had to dismantle the engine in order to repair it.


  • 解开蝴蝶结拆开那个盒子的包装。

    I untied the bow and unwrapped the small box.


  • 这个钻头拆开

    You'll have to disassemble the drill.


  • 我们只好发动机全部拆开寻找故障原因。

    We had to completely disassemble the engine to find the problem.


  • 封信不是写给的,然而出于好奇把拆开了。

    The letter wasn't addressed to me but I opened it out of curiosity.


  • 喜欢把东西拆开然后再组装起来吗?

    Do you enjoy taking things apart and then putting them back together?


  • 两个构成不能拆开

    The two characters form a single word, they cannot be separated.


  • 这个大家都不敢拆开信封

    IT IS the envelope they dare not open.


  • 这个男人神情紧张拆开

    The man, nervous, opened the letter.


  • 机会就把拆开

    I was going to work it open when I got a chance.


  • 母亲拆开一张CD...

    The mother opened another CD...


  • 我们把它拆开来看。

    Let's tear this apart a bit.


  • 我们将这些原因一个个拆开来看

    Let's look at each of these reasons.


  • 一般电动扶梯必须完全拆开

    Regular escalators must be entirely dismantled.


  • 一般电动扶梯必须完全拆开

    Regular escalators must be entirely dismantled.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定