• 没有前部造成直接损坏

    There had been no direct damage in the fore part of the ship.


  • 公司不能承担遗失损坏责任

    The company cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage.


  • 损坏我们真是过意不去

    We're very sorry about the damage to your car.


  • 租约明确规定一切损坏必须赔偿

    The lease plainly states that all damage must be paid for.


  • 那里架飞机遭到了一些损坏

    Every aircraft in there has sustained some damage.


  • 他用棒球恶意地损坏了一辆汽车

    He maliciously damaged a car with a baseball bat.


  • 非常庆幸并没有损坏

    Much to my relief the car was not damaged.


  • 这栋建筑物的损坏相当严重。

    Damage to the building was considerable.


  • 城堡仅有一小部分受到损坏

    Damage was confined to a small portion of the castle.


  • 损坏严重,要修好几千块钱

    The damage was such that it would cost thousands to repair.


  • 好几辆汽车撞车事故中损坏

    Several vehicles were damaged in the crash.


  • 汽车严重损坏车内人员安然无恙。

    The car was badly damaged but the occupants were unhurt.


  • 离合器使用不慎可能会损坏传动装置。

    Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears.


  • 流浪涌损坏计算机磁盘驱动器

    An electrical surge damaged the computer's disk drive.


  • 虽有轻微碰撞汽车没有损坏

    There was a slight collision but my car was undamaged.


  • 事故车顶没有遭到损坏

    The roof of the car was not damaged in the accident.


  • 船体右舷遭到大面积损坏

    The hull had suffered extensive damage to the starboard side.


  • 他们拆卸损坏飞机以使用其零部件

    They cannibalized damaged planes for the parts.


  • 辐射也许会以前未预见方式损坏细胞

    Radiation may damage cells in a way that was previously unforeseen.


  • 汽车受到损坏很小

    The damage to the car was minimal.


  • 所受损坏容易修复

    The damage will be easily rectifiable.


  • 一定照相机投保,以防丢失损坏

    Make sure you insure your camera against loss or damage.


  • 失事飞机损坏严重。

    The plane was substantially damaged in the crash.


  • 有无损坏不清楚。

    It is unclear whether there is any damage.


  • 丢失损坏邮件赔偿事宜邮政部门处理

    Compensation for lost or damaged mail will be handled by the postal service.


  • 恶作剧学生学校建筑造成相当大损坏

    Student pranksters have done considerable damage to the school buildings.


  • 仓库失火损坏严重

    The warehouse has been badly damaged by fire.


  • 公司造成损失有所损坏,您都得到赔偿。

    You will be reimbursed for any loss or damage caused by our company.


  • 一场地震袭击首都造成建筑物损坏人们的惊慌

    An earthquake has hit the capital, causing damage to buildings and panic among the population.


  • 一场地震袭击首都造成建筑物损坏人们的惊慌

    An earthquake has hit the capital, causing damage to buildings and panic among the population.


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