It provides a simple way for service providers to describe the format of requests and response messages for remote method invocations (RMI).
The HTML-generated code provides proxy methods for these functions, and these methods call the remote methods on the server side.
The "bridge" role from the broker pattern was then implemented using the template method pattern to support remote service invocation using several different underlying communication technologies.
远程区域提供了一个使用远程方法调用(RMI)API 的缓存区域。
The remote region provides a cache region using a remote method invocation (RMI) API.
Web services provide a standard way to implement a business function that can be invoked remotely.
The portlet service provides the business methods that your portlets need to call in order to use the business functionality provided by the remote Web application.
The portlet service provides the business methods that your portlets need to call in order to use the business functionality provided by the remote Web application.