• 提及宗教肯定使感到窘迫

    Mentioning religion is a sure way to make him squirm.


  • 应该避免提及离婚的事。

    You should avoid mentioning his divorce.


  • 提及的前夫有点令人难堪失言

    Mentioning her ex-husband was a bit of a clanger.


  • 请问为什么直到现在提及此事呢?

    Might I enquire why you have not mentioned this until now?


  • 这项声明没有提及政府方面伤亡情况

    The statement made no mention of government casualties.


  • 只是含蓄地提及人权问题国际关注。

    He made only a veiled reference to international concerns over human rights issues.


  • 只是随口提及而已,没有任何细节

    He only mentioned it in passing and didn't give any details.


  • 时期任何文献都没有提及他们的存在

    No reference to their existence appears in any literature of the period.


  • 文件日期可以内战提及推算出来。

    The date of the document can be deduced from references to the Civil War.


  • 这份生平记述对光彩之处略而不表,没有提及监狱的日子。

    This sanitized account of his life does not mention his time in prison.


  • 小说没有直接提及自己的童年

    There is no direct reference to her own childhood in the novel.


  • 以下种放松方式没有文章提及

    Which of the following relaxing ways is not mentioned in the passage?


  • 住房问题很少提及

    Housing is seldom mentioned.


  • 文章没有提及

    It is not mentioned in the passage.


  • 提及此事。

    I hesitate to mention it.


  • 父母几乎没有提及他们所受过苦难

    My parents seldom mention the sufferings they have gone through to me.


  • 一方面这两首诗提及人物方式上都有奇怪重复

    For one thing, both poems were oddly repetitive in the way they referred to characters.


  • 现在很好的提及最大关于香料神话

    Now, this is a good point to mention one of the biggest myths about spices.


  • 城市贫民通常有色人种女性,即政客时常提及福利女王”。

    The urban poor, usually personified as a woman of color, the "welfare queen" politicians still too often reference.


  • 他们从未提及农场工厂生产食物需要燃料以及释放二氧化碳

    They never refer to the fuel that farms and factories require to produce the food, and the carbon dioxide that releases.


  • 开始描述树林里面多么安静时,我不断提及多少努力才能坚持下去

    As I start describing how quiet it is to be out in the woods, I keep mentioning how much effort it takes to keep going.


  • 老板提及任何工作有关重要品质这样做的目的想要说 X 先生确实不能胜任

    By not mentioning any important qualities related to the job, the boss is implying that this is best that can be said about Mr.X that he is really not qualified.


  • 妻子在场便提及

    Because of his wife('s) being there, I said nothing about it.


  • 任何人都只字不敢提及此事。

    She dared not breathe a word of it to anybody.


  • 后面提及的那一点重要的。

    The latter point is the most important.


  • 我们会晤期间,提及合作意愿

    During our meeting, he indicated his willingness to cooperate.


  • 这个问题以往的讨论已经间接提及

    The problem had been alluded to briefly in earlier discussions.


  • 建议咱们别再提及此事

    I suggest we let the matter drop.


  • 话题工作时被提及

    The subject came up at work.


  • 只是顺便提及

    I mention it only as an aside...


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