Male donors outnumber female donors almost two to one, they found, and while 58 percent of donors have finished college or graduate school, 42 percent don't have a college degree.
Yet some educational activists worry what might happen as less-endowed colleges try to compete with these changes.
These different in donation rates must result from the perception that educational institutions are less in need of donations than are other kinds of institutions.
These differences in donation rates must result from the perception that educational institutions are less in need of donations than are other kinds of institutions.
We sat down and decided that what the people really needed, and what we could provide to combat this virus was not charity money, but rather education and awareness of how to stop the spread of SARS.
You may wish to place a donations box in the main entrance area with a sign saying it is to support the local school, etc.
You may wish to place a donations box in the main entrance area with a sign saying it is to support the local school, etc.