If you want to move a subset of data, you should modify the SELECT clause accordingly.
Any data items that have value clauses are initialized to the appropriate value at that time.
You can use the in clause to create an index in the same table space where user data resides, or in a different table space.
Keeping data change operations in the WITH clause imposes a very natural order which can be used to solve conflicts.
Columns defined with the BLOB data type, or using the FOR BIT data clause will be passed as binary from the source to the target, and the code page used is zero.
The data type for the function return type can be specified directly or using the REFERENCES clause.
The FOR clause of this function loops through the entity nodes contained in the transient XML data.
DB 2依据时态表的开始和结束列中使用的数据类型,使用合适的where子句谓词自动重写查询。
DB2 automatically rewrites the queries with appropriate WHERE clause predicates depending on the data types used in the start and end columns of the temporal tables.
For example, you can easily search for the applications consuming the highest amount of CPU by simply adding a WHERE clause to a query that lists application data from a monitoring table function.
This is what is happening in this case: data performs a data change operation and has been banned as a CTE into the WITH clause.
在装载数据时它并不使用FOR update子句,所以行并不会被锁定。
It will not use a FOR UPDATE clause when loading the data, so the rows will not be locked.
WHERE 子句基于资产名称联接临时和永久XML数据。
The WHERE clause joins the transient and persistent XML data based on asset names.
A filter (e.g., SQL statement sub-clause) is used to filter out data records not belonging to the current tenant.
Frequently accessed data can also be included within an index as included columns.
The results are saved in the data structure that is specified in the INTO clause.
It can also be a data structure of a type that is fitting to the SELECT clause.
在DB 2UDBV 7中创建分区的表空间时,DB 2根据CREATEindex语句的part子句将数据划分到几个分区上。
When creating a partitioned table space in DB2 UDB V7, DB2 divides the data among the partitions according to the part clause of the CREATE INDEX statement.
在DB 2 9.7中,只需通过CREATEtable语句的COMPRESSyes子句启用XML数据的压缩功能,这会同时压缩表中的关系和xml列。
In DB2 9.7, the compression capability for XML data is enabled simply through the compress YES clause of the CREATE table statement, which compresses both relational and XML columns in the table.
DATAFILES is a mandatory clause for each external table. It specifies the file path where the data can be read from or written to.
The direct statement execution method includes additional logic to strip the data after the where clause in the SQL statement.
To avoid this scenario, use the RETURNS clause of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement to return data to the caller.
还可以使用一个FORPORTION OF business_time子句来更新、删除和查询数据。
You can also update, delete, and query data using a FOR PORTION OF BUSINESS_TIME clause.
在load期间可以使用XMLVALIDATE USING子句对XML数据进行验证。
XML data can be validated during load using the XMLVALIDATE USING clause.
可以使用FROM 子句为XML数据指定路径。
You can specify the path for XML data using the XML FROM clause.
XMLEXISTS对XML数据应用谓词,常常用在WHERE 子句中。
XMLEXISTS applies predicates to XML data and would often be used in a WHERE clause.
TABLE data is partitioned as specified in the partition BY clause of the CREATE TABLE statement.
'REFRESHDEFERRED '子句指出,使用' REFRESH '语句将用数据填充m QT。
The 'REFRESH DEFERRED' clause indicates that use of a 'REFRESH' statement will populate the MQT with data.
But we're not done yet. If the data provider is an SQL database, the WHERE clause must be applied to each record.
If the data provider is an SQL database, the WHERE clause must be applied to each record.
If the data provider is an SQL database, the WHERE clause must be applied to each record.