• 然而有些T细胞处于激发状态事实上他们被称为无反应,耐受过程

    However, some t cells are not activated, in fact they are inactivated by a process called anergy or tolerance.


  • 然而有些T细胞处于激发状态,事实上他们称为无反应性,耐受过程灭活了。

    Howeer, some T cells are not actiated, in fact they are inactiated by a process called anergy or tolerance.


  • 然而有些T细胞处于激发状态,事实上他们被称为无反应,耐受过程

    Howeer, some T cells are not actiated, in fact they are inactivated by a process called anergy or tolerance.


  • CD4 7是T细胞活化共刺激因子,活化T细胞凋亡过程,诱导T细胞无反应性加强TCR信号传导效率

    CD47 induces costimulatory signals on activation of T cell, T cell apoptosis and T cell anergy and enhances the efficiency of TCR signaling;


  • 结论HIC内毒素反应表面内毒素相关受体tlr4、CD 14MD 2表达耐受内毒素作用的重要分子机制

    Conclusion There was no response of HICs to LPS stimulation, and no expression of TLR4, CD14 and MD-2 on HICs may be an important molecular mechanism by which they tolerated to lipopolysaccharide.


  • 我们推荐这些样品水平应涵盖检测使用已知反应以及反应性质控样品相应的水平。

    We recommend that these samples span a level of positivity with QC samples having a known negative, low, medium, and high reactivity in the assay.


  • 漏诊某处损伤某处损伤重要认识不足这种可能很大的,对于反应或状态不稳的病人更是如此

    The potential for missing an injury or failure to appreciate the significance of an injury is great, especially in the unresponsive or unstable patient.


  • 研究者发现观察疼痛图像时,反应无反应大脑中的情感区域显示了活动

    The investigators found that while viewing the painful images, both responders and non-responders showed activity in the emotional centers of the brain.


  • 结果:对皮肤刺激,亦变态反应发生,消炎止痛两项试验中,试验组对照组比较,差异显著

    Results: none stimulation to derma, none derma feedback to anomalism, in experiments of anti-inflammation and acesodyne, there was great difference between experimental group and control group.


  • 的春假精神相伴而生的是春假的标志风格反应佛州独特

    With that anarchic spring break spirit comes an iconic spring break style, one that reflects Florida's own eccentricities.


  • 脂肪酸不饱和度增加植物低温生长反应抗寒直接关系

    The increased unsaturation of membrane lipids is only the response to low temperature and has no directly relation to cold hardiness.


  • 输卵管切除术对IVF - ET周期妊娠结局显著影响一定时间不引起患者基础内分泌改变,降低手术卵巢反应

    Salpingectomy has no obvious effect on the outcome of IVF-ET and baseline endocrine within a period of time, but it reduces the ovarian response to superovulation on ipsilateral ovary in IVF-ET.


  • 理想的射孔洁净而且固相(经过过滤),接触不会反应产生损害副产物。

    The ideal fluid is clean and solids-free (filtered), and will not react to cause damaging by-products on contact with the reservoir formation.


  • 结果表明采用分子量反应性化合物相容剂,共混拉伸强度提高冲击强度改善。

    The results show that: using low molecular weight reactive compounds as compatibilizers, the tensile strength of the blends is raised, but the impact strength is not improve.


  • 因此焊过程和服役过程中界面反应、扩散以及界面的微观组织对当前钎料可靠研究具有重大意义。

    The research on element interdiffusion, reaction and microstructure at the interface of solder joints is vital to the study of lead free solder joints reliability.


  • 同一时期内,兔牙不同反应显著差异

    At the same time, pulp response to different pulp capping agents showed no significant difference.


  • 术前治疗发生严重不良反应,术出血量、术中术后并发症发生率显著差异P>0.05)。

    There was no serious adverse reaction in the three groups; There was no significant difference in the blood loss, surgery complication of the three groups(P>0.05).


  • 各组动物对照侧动眼神经核内神经丝蛋白免疫反应神经元数目灰度差异显著P>0.05)。

    The number of neurofilament protein immune-positive neurons and gray scale in contralateral oculomotor nucleus in all groups had no significant differences (P > 0.05).


  • 单抗(C26G7),用于检测内源alk蛋白水平抗体家族其它蛋白交叉反应

    ALK (C26G7) Rabbit mAb (Sepharose Bead Conjugate) detects endogenous levels of total ALK protein. This antibody does not cross-react with other family members.


  • 两组不良反应评分显著差异P〉0.05)不良反应表现存有异同。

    There was no significant difference in the TESS core ( P > 0. 05 ) , but manifestations of adverse effects had difference.


  • 合成了一种季铵化反应性树脂醛固色剂het测定了该固色剂羊毛织物g染色后的固效果

    Quaternized reactive formaldehyde-free color-fixing agent HET was synthesized, and its color fixation effect was tested for wool dyed with acid dye red g.


  • 结果新生儿败血症临床表现特殊并发症多,末梢血象、C反应蛋白均不能作为诊断依据

    Results: Neonatal septicemia had various complications, but no specific clinical manifestation. The diagnosis can not be based on either white cell count or C-reacting protein.


  • 方法1718只眼局部活动炎症反应翼状胬肉患者行翼状胬肉切除术联合自体角膜缘干细胞移植术

    Methods There are 17 patients (18 eyes) of pterygium without inflammation, and they were carried excision of pterygium with limbal epithelial autograft transplantation surgery.


  • 结果虽然患恶妇科肿瘤老年妇女有较多的合并症,但化疗的毒副反应中青年显著差异。

    Results the side effects of chemotherapy in elderly women were not much more severe than those in middle aged women.


  • 同样,研究结果表明单独使用雌激素高敏c反应蛋白的升高冠脉事件发生危险增加相关联合使用雌激素和黄体酮的女人群中却此相关

    An elevated hs-CRP value was also associated with an increased risk of coronary events in women using estrogen alone, but not in those using estrogen plus progesterone, the report indicates.


  • 方法采用高分辨力超声检测血管内皮依赖舒张功能方法比较收缩期舒张期高血压(SDH正常血压血流介导舒张(FMD)与反应充血的血管内皮依赖舒张功能。

    Methods A non-invasive high-resolution ultrasound was used to detect the flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) and the change of blood flow volume of reactive hyperaemia in SDH and the control.


  • 各组上半视网膜n 1、P 1下方振幅密度降低潜伏期延长存在统计学差异颞侧视网膜反应差异显著

    In each group, the N1 wave and P1 wave amplitude density were higher and peak latency was longer in the upper retina than in the lower, there was no difference between nasal and temporal retina.


  • 结果21陈旧颌骨骨折患者术后咬关系恢复,张闭口正常,颌骨形态良好,钛松动移位排异反应

    Results All the patients had normal jaw morphology, and occlusion relation were restored after operation, and the itanium plate without any rejection reaction, no loosening or displacement.


  • 消化道反应肝肾功能损害比较显著差异。

    But there was no apparent difference between both groups on the effect of gastrointestinal toxicity and impairment of liver and Kidney 's function.


  • 消化道反应肝肾功能损害比较显著差异。

    But there was no apparent difference between both groups on the effect of gastrointestinal toxicity and impairment of liver and Kidney 's function.


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