All date and time types conform to the ISO standards specification.
For your application, you'll use it to re-specify what the date, time and type are for the appointment.
例如,Get - Date命令表面上来看,只是简单的打印出当前的日期和时间,但实际上它返回的是一个DataTime类型的对象,这个对象是。NET框剪的一部分。
For example, the Get-Date command on the surface may appear to just print out the current date and time. But in fact, it returns an object of type DateTime, which is part of the.net framework.
By far the best addition is the date picker type called date and datetime (there are other additional date/time types such as time, week, month datetime-local as well).
In addition to a traditional date and time selection, the scheduler allows you to choose the kind of meeting room, and the type of furniture and accommodations inside.
An access log record contains a lot of detail about the request, including the request type, the resource requested, and the time and date the request was processed.
For each server, the list displays the status, member servers, type, parent (if applicable), IDS version, and the date and time that the server was last monitored.
But most simple databases don't require the full range of allowed types, and often they need to store only numerical, character, and date or time data.
DHI web servers may automatically log aggregate information, such as a user's IP address, domain name, browser type, date and time of access, and other log file data.
IDS now supports the following new built-in SQL functions to perform common mathematical, casting, and bitmap operations, and for manipulating character string, date, and datetime values