Certain species of mosquitos are the reservoir of yellow fever virus; thus eradication of yellow fever is not feasible.
Certain species of mosquitos are the reservoir of yellow fever virus; thus eradication of yellow fever is not feasible. This viral presence sometimes amplifies into regular epidemics.
The floods in Swat and the Indus valley are, like the yellow fever mosquitoes of the Netherlands, an indication that things could get worse.
The index case was identified through routine yellow fever surveillance system.
Yellow fever is a viral disease, found in tropical regions of Africa and the Americas.
Yellow fever is a particularly dangerous disease which kills up to 50% of those with severe illness.
The most recent yellow fever mass vaccination campaign in this area was conducted in 1987 and as a result the population is highly susceptible to the disease.
Yellow fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes.
The case was detected by the national Yellow fever surveillance system.
病人是一位61岁男子,没有接种过黄热病疫苗史。 病人于2009年7月27日出现症状,伴有发烧、黄疸和背痛。
The patient is a 61 year-old man male, without history of yellow fever vaccination, who presented with fever, jaundice and back pain with onset of symptoms on 27 July 2009.
Yellow fever remains the only disease specifically designated under the IHR (2005) for which proof of vaccination or prophylaxis may be required for travellers as a condition of entry to a State.
So the floods in Swat and the Indus valley are, like the yellow fever mosquitoes of the Netherlands, an indication that things could get worse.
疫苗(1 500 000剂)是由全球疫苗和免疫联盟应急储备通过为控制黄热病提供疫苗国际协调小组提供的。
The vaccine (1 500 000 doses) has been provided by the The GAVI Alliance emergency stockpile, through the International Coordinating Group (ICG) on Vaccine Provision for Yellow Fever Control.
This support is part of the global Yellow Fever Initiative which aims to prevent devastating yellow fever epidemics and secure adequate yellow fever vaccine supply for Africa.
Yellow fever is difficult to diagnose, especially during the early stages.
On 8 September 2009, The Ministry of Health (MoH), Cameroon reported a laboratory-confirmed case of yellow fever, identified through routine yellow fever surveillance.
The results were sporadic outbreaks of cholera and yellow fever, the worst of which was the yellow fever epidemic of 1853, accounting for more than 8, 000 deaths.
The aggressive yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, has spread most Zika cases.
Travellers are reminded that inoculation against yellow fever is advisable.
2009年10月1日- 2009年9月8日,喀麦隆卫生部报告发生一例黄热病实验室确诊病例,该病例是通过黄热病常规监测发现的。
October 2009 - on 8 September 2009, The Ministry of Health (MoH), Cameroon reported a laboratory-confirmed case of yellow fever, identified through routine yellow fever surveillance.
Yellow fever is a viral disease transmitted by infected mosquitos that has caused large epidemics in Africa and the Americas.
Yellow fever is a viral disease transmitted by infected mosquitos that has caused large epidemics in Africa and the Americas.