The best-known ones, DeCoursey says, are circadian or daily rhythms such as the sleep-wake rhythm, daily activity rhythms, or jet lag and shift-work maladies.
Why are some people more agreeable than others? It may be because they possess a certain variant of the CLOCK gene. This gene is critical to circadian rhythms.
TINKERING with the circadian clock, the day-and-night cycle in the physiological processes of all living beings, is rarely a good idea.
Biorhythm a periodic physiological or behavioral change that is controlled by a biological clock. Circadian rhythms are an example.
This was perhaps the most interesting finding, Terracciano and his group indicated, because the CLOCK gene is known to influence circadian rhythms and has been coupled with sleep and mood disorders.
Physiological and behavioral rhythms are governed by an endogenous circadian clock.
In most organisms from lower species to higher ones, various physiological and behavioral functions are expressed rhythmically across day and night.
In most organisms from lower species to higher ones, various physiological and behavioral functions are expressed rhythmically across day and night.