• 洛杉矶起飞飞机已经暂停

    There's been a temporary suspension of flights out of LA.


  • 进行安全检查期间生产暂停

    Production has been suspended while safety checks are carried out.


  • 鉴于战斗趋于激烈,宪法暂停实施

    The constitution was suspended as the fighting grew worse.


  • 出于安全考虑裁判暂停那场比赛。

    Officials suspended the game because of safety concerns.


  • 投诉调查期间,这位警员暂停职务

    The police officer was suspended while the complaint was investigated.


  • 边缘暂停下来努力恢复平衡

    She paused on the edge, trying to regain her balance.


  • 股票交易可能暂停

    Trading on the stock exchange may be suspended.


  • 暂停下来,觉着帽子下面的头皮刺痒难耐。

    He paused, feeling his scalp prickling under his hat.


  • 乐曲演奏暂停间歇鼓起掌来,真是大错特错

    I made the classic mistake of clapping in a pause in the music!


  • 如果超过了信贷限额我们有权暂停取消账户

    If you exceed your credit limit, we have the right to suspend or cancel your account.


  • 比赛刚刚开始,就突然起倾盆大雨,于是比赛暂停

    The match had just begun when the heavens opened and play was suspended.


  • 政府已经暂停地的所有援助直到海地恢复合法政府为止。

    The government said that it has suspended all aid to Haiti until that country's legitimate government is restored.


  • 可以通过这些面板恢复暂停端点

    You can resume or pause the endpoints through these panels.


  • 美国应该暂停浓缩设定一个最后期限

    The US should set a deadline for the suspension of uranium enrichment.


  • 美国邮政服务USPS暂停邮件投递

    The United States Postal Service (USPS) suspended mail delivery.


  • 一风波迫使阿罗约9月份暂停了这些合同

    The groundswell forced Arroyo to suspend the contracts in September.


  • 一风波迫使阿罗约9月份暂停了这些合同

    The groundswell forced Arroyo to suspend the contracts in September.


  • 意味着联邦航空局可以暂停维珍银河飞行许可

    That means that the FAA could suspend Virgin Galactic's license to fly.


  • 甚至美国邮政服务USPS暂停邮件投递

    Even the United States Postal Service(USPS) suspended mail delivery.


  • 我们暂停节目插播重要新闻

    We interrupt this programme to bring you an important news bulletin.


  • 暂停竞选活动母亲晚饭。

    He took time out from campaigning to accompany his mother to dinner.


  • 会议呼吁年内暂停商业捕鲸活动

    The convention called for a two-year moratorium on commercial whaling.


  • 议会投票强行暂停核试验一年。

    The House voted to impose a one-year moratorium on nuclear testing.


  • 这个系统分钟暂停运行。

    The system is going down in ten minutes.


  • 证据呈到庭后,审讯就宣告暂停

    The trial was adjourned following the presentation of new evidence to the court.


  • 一周结束后审判暂停

    The trial was halted after the first week.


  • 资金审查期间工作暂停

    Work has temporarily come to a stop while the funding is reviewed.


  • 这项工程暂停等到有更多时再进行

    The project is on hold until more money is available.


  • 博物馆正在进行大修,在此期间暂停开放。

    The museum is closed while essential repairs are being carried out.


  • 博物馆正在进行大修,在此期间暂停开放。

    The museum is closed while essential repairs are being carried out.


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