• 从由曲线普通方程平面图形面积公式出发推出各种情形下曲线参数方程求平面图形面积的公式

    From commonly used equation of calculating plane figure quadrature, formulas of calculating plane figure quadrature by applying curve parametric equation can be deduced.


  • 从由曲线普通方程平面图形面积的公式出发推出各种情形下由曲线参数方程求平面图形面积公式

    The cube formed after cutting one part off the same planar graph in different ways of motion and its method of calculation are introduced.


  • 我们主要还是关注参数方程运用,主要是的,比如直线曲线

    So, we have mostly focused on the use of parametric equations just for one dimensional objects, lines, and curves.


  • 参数表示下模糊可直接视为度量空间r 2中的连续曲线分析模糊微分方程带来了便利

    By the parametric representation, fuzzy number means a bounded continuous curve in the two-dimensional metric space R2, so that it is easy to analyze fuzzy differential equations.


  • 通过水分特征曲线方程试验数据合,研究了拟合参数密度的变化情况。

    A equation was used to fit the data of SWCC, and the relation between fitting parameters and dry density was studied.


  • 参数编程生产实践有着广泛应用尤其手工编写铣削方程曲线轮廓球面时更为常用

    Parameter programming has been applied to extensive practice fields, especially for milling curve contour of equation or milling and sphere surface as manual programming.


  • 凡是可以表示矢量参数方程正则曲线,都可以方法进行插补

    Any regular curve that can be expressed by the vector parameter equation may be interpolated by this method.


  • 推进剂松弛模量曲线W.L.F。方程参数拟合处理

    Fitting of relaxation modulus master curve for solid propellant and W. L. F. equation parameters.


  • 给出了求解岩石冲击波初始参数基本方程曲线方法

    The basic equations and the polar curve method to solve the initial parameters of shock wave in rock are also developed.


  • 单调函数反函数不能显性表示时,连续随机变量分布密度曲线通过参数方程的形式获得

    When a inverse function of monotone function can not show the explicit formula, the distribution density curve of continuous randon variable can be gained with a parametric equation.


  • 同时具有参数方程形式表示非圆曲线进行等间距直线逼近节点误差分析

    While there is the analysis of node tolerance with parameter equation on approaching along a straight line with equal step.


  • 对于给定的等疲劳成组试验数据,利用参数函数方程描述P - S - N等幅曲线

    According to the given experimental constant amplitude fatigue life group data, the three parameter exponential function equation can be adopted to describe the constant fatigue P-S-N curve.


  • 分析曲线拟合估计弹性材料线性本构方程模型参数原理方法

    The principle and method for fitting and estimation of constitutive equation model parameters are discussed.


  • 结合双槽凸轮参数设计曲线基本走向,得出凸轮曲线方程

    The curvilinear equations of the inner and outer cams are obtained based on the analysis on the parameter design and the curve shape of the double-slot CAM.


  • 根据统一模型模型导出蠕变方程研究了分级加载条件岩石蠕变特性并且通过曲线得出相应的蠕变参数

    Based on the unified creep model and the relevant creep equations, the creep properties of rock under step load is studied, and the corresponding creep parameters by fitting curves are obtained.


  • 然后针对给定参数方程曲线,提出一种圆弧拟和的实用算法

    And then, we provide an algorithm for approximating an arbitrary parametric curve by circular arcs.


  • 已有流体机械流道曲线,由于不知道性能参数无法直接伯努里方程

    To find the passage curve for a given fluid machine, the parameters in the equation are unknown.


  • 通过实验获得曲线岩石参数回归出了盐岩的蠕变本构方程结果表明方程好的模拟实验结果。

    Through the creep characteristic curves and parameters, the creep constitutive equation of rock salt is regressed and agrees with the experiment result.


  • 释光一般动力学方程合发光曲线,得到参数陷阱参数值。

    The peak parameters and trap parameters were estimated by fitting these curves using the TL general kinetic order equation.


  • 首先我们运用流体力学原理,分析推导出曲线曲面参数方程实现挤压型腔的数学建模

    First, we realize the mathematic model through getting the parameterized equation by analyzing the fluid mechanics and make use of Bezier curve to approximate stream curve.


  • 本文讨论了参数方程极坐标方程表示曲线对称性给出了判定这两种曲线的对称性的充分条件

    In this paper, the symmetry of curved lined given by parametric equation and polar coordinates equation is discussed and the sufficient conditions are given.


  • 方程参数少,能够较好的拟试验曲线

    Such function has only three parameters and suits to test results.


  • 本文论述曲线方程关于参数的三方程时,包络曲线方程初等求法。

    This paper discussed an elementary solution to the envelope of a kind of family of curves of which the equation was one of the cubic equations in regard to a parameter.


  • 本文推导出计算机绘图中的B一样条曲线参数方程介绍二次B一样条曲线性质给出逼近曲线特殊处理方法

    This paper infers the parametric equation of the quadric B-spline curve, introduces its character, and gives the special method of process when the curve is approximated.


  • 结合柔度曲线方程分析稳定性设计关键参数控制方法

    With flexibility curve function, the key parameters and controlling methods for stability design are analyzed.


  • 给出多项式参数方程定义参数曲线有效隐式化算法,此算法主要基于矩阵理论

    This paper presents an efficient algorithm for the implicitization of parametric curves defined by polynomial parametric equations, which is mainly based on the theory of matrices.


  • 本文分别曲线抛物线参数方程阐述几何意义(2、例3)。

    This paper describes the geometric meaning for the parametric equation of hyperbola and parabola, respectively (see examples 2 and 3).


  • 分别介绍了分段多项式培其一奥斯古特三参数方程拟合应力应变曲线并求切线量和割线模量方法。

    By piecewise polynomials and the Ramberg-Osgood three-parameter equation fitting the stress-strain curve, the expressions of the tangent and secant modulus are derived.


  • 文中导出了五次代数式缓和曲线参数方程曲线元素公式

    The parameter equation and the formula of each element of the curve are set up and compared with that of clothoid.


  • 树干形状描述出发,选择经典孔兹干曲线式推导出可变参数方程理论依据可靠

    From the study of tree trunks described in Forest mensuration, the classic curve-derived were chosen to deduct the taper equation of variable parameters, which is reliable in theoretical basis.


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