We will do our best to further establish and sustain FIRA Cup as a Science and Technology Robot Soccer World Cup.
As part of the 2007 RoboCup in Atlanta, Georgia, a new fleet of bots debuted in the Nanogram Demonstration competition in July.
法国奥尔德巴伦机器人研究公司(AldebaranRobotics)研制的机器人Nao是类人型机器人,它外形小巧可爱,全自动、可编程、拥有良好的认知能力,身体还可以自由转动25度来完成高难度的动作。 科学家曾把它们组成足球队参加国际性的机器人比赛——机器人世界杯足球赛。
The Nao Robot by Aldebaran Robotics, is an amazingly advanced bot that boasts cognitive skills, a high level of motion with 25 degrees of freedom and its programmable.
During the RoboCup 2500 contestants from 40 countries competed in 15 competitions with various types of computerized soccer robots, healthcare robots, rescue robots and dance robots.
The University of Newcastle's NUbot's have placed second in the 2007 Robocup, the world championships for the four-legged robotic soccer league.
The University of Newcastle's NUbot's have placed second in the 2007 Robocup, the world championships for the four-legged robotic soccer league.