Under null hypothesis, the limit distributions of statistics are obtained.
The ranks were transformed into the normal scores by which the test statistics were calculated.
The small sample properties of the tests are investigated by Monte Carlo simulation experiments and real data is analyzed for illustration.
This paper gives a thorough discussion on the issue using LSTR model and LM test statistics.
We obtain asymptotic P-value or asymptotic critical value of tests...
A method of detection of outliers from the exponential distribution is given by sample fractile to construct test statistics.
This paper proposes a test statistics for testing exponential distribution versus HNBUE, and proves the statistics approximate normal distribution and consistence.
给出了正态总体均值和标准差的最大似然估计(M LE),似然比检验统计量及其渐近分布等结果。
The maximum likelihood estimators(MLE) of means and standard deviations, and the asymptotic distribution of likelihood ratio statistic were given.
Furthermore, it has been verified to have higher goodness-of-fit than graphical methods by comparing the ks test statistics for 10 CNN networks.
It is shown that the asymptotic null distribution of the modified likelihood ratio test proposed is derived and found to be relatively simple and easily applied.
The limit distributions of estimators and likelihood ratio test are given, the strong consistency of estimators is also proved.
According to the homogeneity test for error variance on total-effect random model with three factors in double repeated experiment, the specific formulae of test statistics and test rule are deduced.
A sampling inspection plan for the failure rate of GBVE distribution with the test statistic of total experimental time based on Type I censoring is presented.
This paper gives a new statistical method of working out a sampling inspection plan for the failure rate of exponential populations.
It is shown that, under both the null and the local alternatives, the random weighting statistics have the same asymptotic distribution as the original test statistic under the null hypotheses.
Supposed the functional model is correct, the influence on the statistic of test for uniform variance with incorrect stochastic model is analyzed in detail and its formula is derived.
A sampling inspection plan for the failure rate of GBVE distribution with the test statistic of total experimental time based on Type I censoring is presented.
In this article, we propose seasonal unit root test statistics based on the Weighted Symmetric estimator and derive representation for limiting distributions of the statistics.
In this article, we propose seasonal unit root test statistics based on the Weighted Symmetric estimator and derive representation for limiting distributions of the statistics.