• 结结巴巴说:“邻居表姐实际上叔叔一起工作然后邀请我们野餐所以我们正好碰巧这个。”

    He stutters out, "your neighbor's cousin actually works with my uncle, and she invited us to a picnic, and so we just happened to be in the area."


  • 刚开始还挣扎的这支队伍正好从那个时候开始气势汹汹反攻

    The team, who struggled early, came on like gangbusters at precisely the right time.


  • 精确身体塑造造型定义身体每个区域能力以便看起来看起来的样子正好一致。

    Precision body sculpting refers to the ability to shape and define each and every area of the body so that it looks precisely the way you want it to look.


  • 伦先生拉着双手——正好她的头边。她非常的肩上,脸颊贴着富有弹性花呢

    Mr. Bullen takes her hands. His shoulder is there–just by her head. She leans on it ever so little, her cheek against the springy tweed.


  • 认为有可能进一步提高达尔文及其著作拥有名望不过还是拖网作业式从头到尾把很多很多的书信笔记簿翻了一遍,斯蒙德和摩尔正好就是那么的。

    I wouldn't have thought it possible to further elevate the standing Darwin and his work have, but by trawling through reams of correspondence and notebooks, Desmond and Moore have done just that.


  • 对于有些人来说,离会议室举步之遥一小块正好可以他们出来透透气,里的豆苗,再回去加个班完成项目

    For some, having a plot just a stone's throw away from their conference room may give them a reason to stay late and finish a project after watering their pea patch.


  • 真正想要得到东西时候高尔夫正好将球漂亮角落里或是一个狭小,怎么样?

    What about when you really want to get something right, like putt the ball, hit a beautiful serve right in the corner or reverse the car into a narrow space?


  • 相反如果开始并且大块原木放在熏余烬上,那么原木就正好将火熄灭了。

    Conversely, if the fire starts to die out and you put a large log on the smoldering embers, the log just sits.


  • 很快就会遇到一些不应该发生情况正好借此机会看看设计如何妥善适应这些情况

    Immediately you will encounter some should-not-occur conditions, and so will have the opportunity to see how gracefully the design ADAPTS.


  • 明白就是应该呆着的但还是发自本能犹豫一下,那里的大小尺寸正好曾经帮着卸货那种箱子一样。

    He understood that this was where he was supposed to go and yet naturally he hesitated, sizing up the dimensions just as he had once sized up the crates he had helped unload.


  • 那个不可思议巧合,”结结巴巴,“邻居表姐竟然叔叔一起工作然后邀请我们野餐所以我们正好碰巧这个,然后......”

    "So, uh, weird coincidence," he stutters out, "your neighbor's cousin actually works with my uncle, and she invited us to a picnic, and so we just happened to be in the area, and . . .


  • 今天青少年正好反映未来年内网络运营模式- - -他们熟练灵巧操作各种应用程序

    Today's teenagers are the model of how the web will work in five years - they jump from app to app to app seamlessly.


  • HTTPR提供了协议规则保证消息可以正好一次传递目的应用程序或是如实报告消息无法传递。

    HTTPR also provides protocol rules making it possible to ensure that each message is delivered to its destination application exactly once or is reliably reported as undeliverable.


  • 考虑到工具正式名称过长我们简略将其称为ADIEU这个词法语再见意思,正好符合我们目标:让用户“和复杂繁琐再见”。

    Given the length of the tool's official name, we informally call it ADIEU, the French word for goodbye, in keeping with our goal to say "goodbye to complexity" for users.


  • 埃文斯展示给的那样,即便莱氏正好坐在拍照对象旁边直角取景器也可她神不知鬼不觉完成拍摄。

    A right-angle viewfinder allowed her to take the picture without them knowing, even, as Evans showed her, when riding right beside them in the subway.


  • 如果学着坚定作出这种艰难的选择很多规划失败将会更加悲惨的灾难。

    If you don't learn to make these tough decisions consistently, many really good projects will die, and that would be a far greater tragedy.


  • 满头大汗气喘吁吁来到查令十字正好赶得上六点四十车次。

    Sweating and panting he emerged at Charing Cross just in time to get the six-forty.


  • 当时帕金斯正好朋友在附近喝茶,在人行道上目睹了这场惨剧,眼睁睁看着年轻女性楼上死亡

    Perkins, who had been having tea with friends nearby, witnessed the tragedy from the pavement, watching young women leap to their deaths from the upper floors.


  • 沙特反应巴林央行反应正好相反,这两家集团拥有银行首先在巴林央行所在违约

    The Saudi response contrasts with that of the Central bank of Bahrain, where Banks owned by the two groups first defaulted.


  • 也知道正确事,因为我不止一听到人们他们看到我的文章时正好他们需要的时候。

    And I know I'm on the right path, because over and over I've had people tell me that something I wrote was exactly what they needed at precisely the time they needed it.


  • 康宁公司精明的研究人员们采用算术平均法来处理氧化物,便成功制造出一种称为“1737玻璃”的合成物,该玻璃的密度正好符合要求。

    Cannily, the Corning researchers simply took the arithmetic mean of the oxide compositions and created a winning combination, known as "1737 glass", with exactly the right density.


  • 玛丽安欣喜异常告诉威洛比送给她一马。匹马是萨默塞特郡的庄园亲自喂养的,正好女人

    Marianne told her, with the greatest delight, that Willoughby had given her a horse, one that he had bred himself on his estate in Somersetshire, and which was exactly calculated to carry a woman.


  • 如果乘坐的航班座位正好位于客舱中段的靠位置,抬头向外观望,您就可以清楚看到机翼许多可以运动部件所组成。

    LOOKING out from a window seat in the midsection of an airliner, you can see clearly that the wing is made up of many moving parts.


  • 如果六月这天,转动退回到小时,流星降落的正好巴基斯坦印度交界处,世人唯恐发生的交界

    Turn the globe by just a few hours earlier on that day in June and the meteoroid would have been over the border of Pakistan and india-exactly where everyone was fearing a nuclear attack.


  • 下室正好就在上议院下面接下来几个月内约有36火药源源不断运进,如果引爆,足以周边底朝天。

    The cellar lay directly underneath the House of Lords, and over the following months 36 barrels of gunpowder were moved in, enough to blow everything and everyone in the vicinity sky high, if ignited.


  • 普遍存在偏见正好相反日本不应该“排外”,我们应该不顾一切欢迎新鲜血液的输入。

    Contrary to widespread prejudices in favor of keeping Japan “pure, ” we desperately need to dilute our blood.


  • 如果的朋友正好你在一起,你可以顺理成章和他谈论衬衫,比如你觉得这件衬衫如何样子怎么样、多少

    If you have an accomplice with you, then it's natural to start a conversation about the shirt; talk about how you feel about it, how it looks, how much it costs, etc.


  • 这种研究时间正好因此做出的进展前,我们要确保正确做到,”罗伊

    "The time is right for this kind of research so that, before we take a leap, we make sure it can be done right," Roy said.


  • 正好击败了尼日利亚拉各斯阿布贾,并领先埃塞俄比亚首都、亦即非洲联盟所在亚的斯亚贝巴

    It just beats Nigeria's Lagos and Abuja and is well ahead of Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa, seat of the African Union (AU).


  • 于是有些庆幸那个苦力正好使可以名正言顺射杀头大象法律站得住脚

    And afterwards I was very glad that the coolie had been killed; it put me legally in the right and it gave me a sufficient pretext for shooting the elephant.


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