Civil evidence system is the important component part of the civil procedure system.
Presumption is an important part of civil evidence system. It has a special value and status in the evidence system and even in the whole civil proceedings.
The evidence system is a bridge between the civil substantive law and the procedural law.
But in Chinese mainland, the legislation of the perpetuation of civil evidence is too principle, without specific procedures or their conditions, scope and so on.
The Legal origin of the evidence system mainly includes criminal, civil, administrative laws and relevant judicial explanation from the highest judicial authorities in our country.
The Law of Civil Procedure issued in 1991 put the litigant's investigating evidence first and the court's investigating evidence secondary in our system of collecting proof.
Proof system stands a natural core position in the system of civil law suit, but the responsibility for proof is the core in this system.
Chapter Three investigates and analyzes the history and present states of the system of evidence collection in China.
Law workers should have a thorough and rational understanding of the establishment of the modern litigation system and identification of the concept of the proof citing and operation procedure.
Evidence discovery system started in the 19th century in Britain and has drawn much attention over the world ever since.
The first part talks about the value basis of evidence exchange system.
Evidence is the objective material which proves the fact of civil case, and the evidence system is the core of civil procedure.
The compulsory counterclaim system can be set up in China by such pre-trial proceedings as evidence demonstration system, explanation right and cancel of partial claims.
After established as a legal proceeding in 1938 in America, discovery has been adopted in the evidence law by many countries.
Judicial notice, which is also known as "judicial knowing", is an important rule in civil proceedings as well as a key issue in evidence act.
Evidence is the core and foundation of civil litigation and the perfect evidence system is the safeguard to realize procedural justice and substantive justice.
Evidence is the core and foundation of civil litigation and the perfect evidence system is the safeguard to realize procedural justice and substantive justice.